Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Leaderships standard are essential in today's competitive. In the field of criminal justice, there are requirements of certain trainings and modification time to time and, with the requirements of laws and regulations. This study provides clear view to the establishment of leadership and, trainings in the field of criminal justice. This study also provide study of Delphi technique in order to analyze conditions of issues and difficulties faced by criminal justice in order to overcome difficulties and, make proper strategic development plan. Leadership standards allow the management to prepare certain methods in order to achieve their targets through leadership skills. There should be always improvements in leadership programs in order to develop skills in the employees and other management staff to follow certain strategies and, in this way, certain issues can be overcome.


Research has been done in the field of criminal justice but, certain standards have not been developed, which is the lacking of management. Certain standard of leadership which cannot be made from time was due to the old aging workforce. Criminal justice tends to create a pool of leaders which is helpful in organizing certain plans time to time to achieve desired tasks. The advantages of certain leaderships in the criminal justice department of United States include the creation of responsible leaders who lead their teams in an effective manner, and bring positive outcomes with the help of their teams. The leaders are greatly emphasized on the performance of their team that is why, they tend to develop and enhance their skills time to time through certain trainings and development programs.

Training Programs

The training program in the criminal justice include the following



Role of supervisor


Human behavior and motivation


These trainings programs are mandatory in the criminal justice department of different countries which bring better outcomes in their future leaders (Adler, F., Mueller, G. O. W., & Laufer, W. S., 2003). These training programs are held time to time within the department to enhance the skills of employees and managers.

Career Development

There have been different issues observed such as retention issues, early retirements and recruitment which did not allow certain standards to be developed in the field of criminal justice. According to numerous studies, criminal justice due to lack of knowledge and staff will suffer potential loss of leaderships and training in the next five years. It is also observed that due to generational dynamic, there will be shortage of qualified workers till 2013 (Armstrong, J., 2006). It is estimated that there is the need of 57000 police officers at California but, due to lack of leaderships and, recruitment knowledge this task seems difficult to be fulfilled. The workforce who is found working in the field of criminal justice is more than 30 years old. These all are the problems due to lack of leaderships in the field of criminal justice. With the advancement of technology, there are certain risks and competition increases, each organization including criminal justice are looking towards more qualified workers and staff and, especially leaders ...
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