In the cold world of criminals and murders there is one classification of people; that are so good at what they do they are looked up upon on so many levels. These people aren't police, they aren't detectives, nor are they lawyers, or anything akin to that. They are the elite forces of forensic crime scene investigative criminologists. A special type of human who sees and manages situations your average person couldn't even hear about. It's a brutal and difficult duty that denies you the bliss of the average person. Not saying you won't have a life out side of your work just saying you'd never look at it the same. My responsibility right now is to make you aware how this job includes arithmetic in its every day schedule.
I personally find this occupation to be exceedingly interesting. It's a job that makes you question most everything to many that may not be appealing. But I'm attracted to strange and unusual topics, and fields. I have been interested in this area since the first time I saw the show forensic files. I found it thought provoking, and exciting. I understand being a forensic crime scene investigative criminologist is a big dream. Saying I'm definitely with no doubt going to become one is big words so I never say it or think it. There's always doubt and there's always the possibility that I could find another job I like better or my expectations for myself are too high. I'm willing to accept these possibilities. I don't like them but I can take them.
Let's say you are a CSI you wake up to your phone ringing at 5:00 am. You skip the normal morning routine and rush to the scene of the homicide. You are the first one to investigate; the police have to leave. (It's the law (interference with the investigation and obstruction of evidence)) You then have to measure everything take everything into account. Your task is to use mathematics and scientific skills to analyze clues, collect data, collaborate with colleagues, and find the guilty party or parties.
Usually in order to get any decent job in the forensic field you must have a degree in calculus. But that doesn't mean that's the field of mathematics most commonly used amongst investigators. Other imperative techniques are deductive reasoning, scientific inquiry, logic, data analysis, and problem solving. All of the previous use math in one form or another. Science is the largest subject used in the career of CSI, but science couldn't be successful with out math.
Being an investigator requires ability to qualify with firearms as required by department policy. Requires ability to conform to the department's physical fitness and defensive tactics standards. Requires ability to operate and maintain assigned police vehicle and equipment. Requires a clear speaking voice, the ability to receive, understand and act upon oral instructions thorough the use of a radio. Requires the ability to read and understand maps, diagrams and ...