The term crime scene processing is commonly used as a synonym for crime scene investigation. This is unfortunate and betrays ignorance about the nature of crime scenes and what is necessary to extract relevant information from them. Crime scene investigation should not be perceived as a mechanical process, carried out in a rote fashion. (Saferstein 2001) Too commonly, this is the way it is viewed by law enforcement policymakers; administrators; supervisors; and, perhaps surprisingly, those who actually “process” the crime scene. (De Forest 2001) Change is necessary.
No two cases are ever exactly alike. For this and other reasons, every crime scene is different. Items that are inconsequential in one scene may be of crucial importance in another, and of course, the reverse is also true. Scenes cannot and should not all be treated in the same way and approached in the same manner. We need to expect the unexpected if we are to do the investigation properly. The approach used must be both flexible and thorough. It must be developed de novo in an informed and systematic fashion. (De Forest 2001) The scientific method provides an appropriately flexible and systematic approach. Crime scenes present very challenging and difficult scientific problems.
Crime scene investigation and laboratory analysis are not as effective where the investigators and scientists are operating in an information vacuum. Context is critical in framing questions. (Gilbert 2001)
Crime scene investigations are made more difficult by considerations of time. Some evidence can deteriorate with time and must be attended to as quickly as possible. This is especially true at outdoor scenes, where weather may be a factor. Some factors are beyond human control; others are not but can be even more adverse. The complex nature of many crime scenes clearly ...