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Sexual Murder

Sexual Murder


This issue of sexual crime, most particularly sexual murder is a very grave problem in the society. Many researches have been conducted on this regard. The problem of sexual (sex) crimes is that the identity of sex offender in domestic research for many years practically has not been given much attention. This situation is justified, because sex crimes are quite common and are among the most murderous types of illicit activities. In the past, there have been several cases of sexual murders, most brutal and infamous murderer being 'Jack the Ripper.' He killed several females and used to cut their body organs. There are several culprits who kill for sexual pleasures and to fulfill their desires.

There have been many theories relate with these murders. Many experts have debated on the reasons as to why an individual can go to such extremes just to fulfill his desires. There are two theories of sexual murders, which will be, discussed in this paper, the social learning theory of sexual violence and the theory of Sadistic of Sexual murder. Both of the theories are relevant to the phenomenon, however, the theory which best fits the phenomenon is the social learning theory of sexual violence.

Descriptive Summary

Violence processes take place in the social system at different levels. Depending on the level of social systems are the subjects of violence, different in quality to the subjects of the social process, which is categorize by the use of different methods of conflict resolution in order to establish the social balance (Rosen & Tritt, 2005).

The victims experience a lot of pain and humiliation during the attack. The incident strongly affects the victims' family, friends and the neighborhood. This also increases uncertainty and insecurity in the people close to the victims. The notion of rape as forced sexual intimacy against the will includes a wide range of cases from situations where a strange man suddenly attacked the victim using a gun or threatening them, causing physical damage - to situations where the perpetrator and victim were acquainted with each other and maybe even had sex before. Situation of the first type (in Western literature called them cruel, or blitz rapes) is, contrary to popular belief, a smaller part of all rapes. Situation of the second type (called rape "trust" rape acquaintances) are great, though almost always hidden from prying eyes, some of these crimes.

Sexual violence is a concept laden with emotions, myths and misunderstandings. Because it is known as sexual intercourse, it involves a manifestation of violence, anger and power, as well as physical impact on the individual. Sexual abuse often leads to disorders and, therefore, in international classifications of diseases by many researchers is allocated to a separate problem. Statistical data on the prevalence of sexual violence against women are very contradictory. According to some sources, in this country every year 7-8 thousand cases of sexual violence, but the actual number of victims, at least 10 times more (Arrigo & Purcell, ...
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