Creating A High Performance Workplace

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Creating a high performance workplace


Beyster Institute is known for enlightening and providing guidance to companies about the modes via which a high performing workplace can be attained. Beyster Institute is currently providing a coursed entitled “Creating a High-Performing Workplace,” for business leaders that can aid them in having an effective and efficient working environment consequently resulting in the accomplishment of goals and objectives. An interview with Professor Staubus enlightened about five themes that can aid in the creation of a high performance team:


High Performance in the Innovation Age

This theme states that before developing a high performance team, it is mandatory to know what it is in order to ensure that the direction is right. Initially the industrial age was prevalent in US but as we have moved forward, the innovation age has taken over. Initially the repetitive tasks is what used to drive the economy since it was the industrial age but now what drives the economy is the activities that require employees to practice creativity and have an independent judgment and ta the same time be in sync with the other employees. The organizations today cannot survive if they are focused towards providing cost effective products. The focus has shifted towards innovation. Innovation does not mean an individual bringing about one good idea and developing one good product. Innovation here refers to individuals constantly bringing about ideas in order better the existent quality standards, cheaper price and better mode of production. Such can be achieved if the organizations environment is such where there is high level of interaction, pooling of knowledge, ideas being bounced and collaboration to improve status quo. Greatest challenge that businesses in US are facing is owners and entrepreneurs that are firmly rooted to industrial age techniques.

Historical Development of Workplace Management

Ever since the industrial revolution entrepreneurs have been working hard, to identify a way that can lead to higher organization of work force and at the same time also have effectiveness and efficiency in production. The management science dates back to the times of Fredrick Taylor who was a mechanical engineer and later by the efforts he became a management consultant. He conceived the idea of treating an organization as a machine and assigning different parts different responsibilities where employees do repetitive tasks. The HR manager did not have the right to change work processes for betterment. It was only the industrial engineers. This model did not ...
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