Corporate Social Responsibility And Sport

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an evolving concept that does not currently have a universally accepted definition. It frequently overlaps with similar terms, such as corporate sustainability, corporate sustainable development, and corporate citizenship. Whether or not or to what extent businesses must implement CSR has been a heated topic of discussion through the years, but was particularly vociferous during the debate about conducting business in South Africa during the apartheid era. At the time, many corporate executives maintained that their responsibility extended only to their shareholders. In this paper, we try to focus on the Corporate Social Responsibility. The paper discuss about the Corporate Social responsibility and sport. The paper highlights the background of Corporate Social Responsibility. The paper also discusses the consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility. The paper explains the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport as Marketing Strategy. The paper uses five main articles for this assignment. The following articles are

Implication of corporate social responsibility on marketing performance: A conceptual framework.

The effects of corporate social responsibility and Brand Performance: The mediating effect of industrial brand equity and corporate reputation.

Alliance between brands and social causes: The influence of company credibility on social responsibility image.

Corporate social responsibility: consumer behavior, corporate strategy, and public policy.

Associating the corporation with a charitable event through sponsorship: Measuring the effects on Corporate community relations

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport


Corporate social responsibility is a method of self-regulation that firms integrate into their business model. It has become more imperative that corporations practice social responsibility, because many consumers are basing purchase decisions on the socially responsible activities of corporations. There are a variety of benefits that businesses can receive if they choose to demonstrate some degree of responsibility for things that occur in everyday society.

Antecedents of CSR

Corporate social responsibility of any association and affiliation is something that is related to the formation and making of different conceptual and marketing decisions throughout the time and it is something which is always fruitful and effective. It is the concept of feedback and things that are consecutively happening within a firm these days and there have been several antecedents for the purpose .System dynamics and the originality of things that are present within the localities is something which encourages the formation of these social corporate responsibility and its public policy which is regarding the aspect of several individuals in terms of making a profit and providing better individual services to the consumers that are out there looking for companies and recognitions which will fund them as a corporation for the fulfillment of outcomes. The concept of corporate social responsibility arrived from the considerations that were made along with the allegations concerning a good harmony in terms of customer behavior and things such as demands and care providing questions that a consumer might have. An effective corporate marketing strategy is based on the facts of strategically thought implementations and policies that are quite reasonable on different terms. (Sharma,D, 2006)

The suppliers and philanthropists that are induced ...
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