Conversational Exchange

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Conversational Exchange Analysis

Conversational Exchange Analysis


Conversational exchange analysis is a branch of sociology that studies the structure and organization of human interaction, with a focus more specifically on the interaction between two or more members (Mey 2001). In the real world, few of the conversations interventions fall exclusively in one category. However, the relative distribution of any conversation between the different groups can provide useful psychological insights through the participants. The analysis of the conversation focuses on how oral communication is organized in everyday exchanges. It describes the practice of verbal interaction as core activities that regulate social life. The word, from this point of view, reproduces and explains the social roles played by members of a society and how this is structured. In this paper, I present and analyze a transcribed sample meeting dialogue. The transcription is done by automatic speech recognizer (1-best output) with pause based segmentation.


The term conversation analysis was introduced by H. Sacks and Schegloff in 1968. In the studies of anthropology and sociology of that time, the origin of interest in the conversation in the United States was within the limits of anthropology and sociology, hence its connections with ethnography, and, more specifically, the ethnography communication, takes as its object and source of language activities that characterize a given community, and relate to the social context within a communicative situation(Henderson 2000)


From a deductive approach, moving away from the American, the French tradition of verbal interaction analysis (C. Kerbrat Orecchioni 1990, 1992, 1994) is based on the definition of units and categories with which it seeks to formulate rules and chaining composition of the talks. One of the most important contributions of conversation analysis is discourse analysis (Bilmes 1988). From an educational point of view, the analysis of conversation in the classroom is productive in its use as a tool for collecting data for action research.

Illustration of Conversational Text (transcription length 75 seconds)

Meeting recordings bear many characteristics that are different from the traditional written text (Murphy 2005). In the following, we show an example of the meeting dialogue segment, which corresponds to 1.5 minutes of meeting speech. The human transcripts with hand-labeled sentence boundaries are shown in the given coded dialogue that shows the output from an automatic speech recognizer (ASR) with pause based segmentation.

We can see that meeting transcripts differ from written text significantly. Many successful language processing techniques have reported performance degradation on meeting transcripts. The following lists a few differences that may have a negative impact on the traditional keyword extraction and summarization systems. The coded dialogue gives sample meeting segment, transcribed by human subjects and annotated with sentence boundaries. Human annotated keywords are also shown.

423: Sandy there there are a variety of ways of doing it

424: Sandy uh let me just mention something that i don't want to pursue today

425: Sandy which is there are technical ways of doing it

426: Sandy uh i- i slipped a paper to bhaskara and about noisy-or's and noisy-maxes

427: Sandy and

428: Sandy there're ways to uh ...
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