English Language

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English Language

English Language


Is the natural choice for world languages because of many reasons? In many workplace setting, English Language is the main vehicle for communicating. It is used in two kinds of interaction in workplace. It can be used between a member of the profession and a member of the public or among members of the same or a closely related profession. Then I will discuss the choice of language, the use of jargon and different features in the use of English among co-workers. Finally, I will conclude by summing up the points. There is number of reasons listed below by which the English language is the natural choice for the people.

Analysis of the conversation exchange

Both conversational exchanges are between professional and client. However, each has its own purpose. Since the purposes are different, so are the linguistic features in the two conversations. In the first conversational exchange between the Bangladeshi worker (client) and the interviewer ( professional), the interviewer is asking his client for information to check if his client is entitled to the welfare benefits while the client is trying his very best to ask tacitly whether his savings had exceeded the limit to qualify for the benefit. Here, the interviewer uses an explicit style of speech while the client uses an implicit style of speech (Ferguson 2001 45-96). The interviewer uses questioning and checks his understanding through paraphrasing what his client had said. However, he merely paraphrased the words without fully understanding the underlying meaning. The interviewer disregarded the content of the conversation and did not seek to clarify it. Language factor was used as a reason for not clarifying the misunderstanding. He assumes that anything that he does not understand is deemed meaningless, so he chooses to ignore them.

Strategies used by professionals

Professionals use different strategies used when it comes to dealing with laypersons. In Maynard's research (1992), the doctor employed a generic conversational strategy in the interaction with the client. Firstly, the patient's own understanding of the condition is explored by the doctor, who then confirmed the patient's own perspective and reformulate the patient's explanation of events. Then, the interviewee's statements are reformulated in the way to make it sound more positive and formal. This strategy is also used by police officers to transform statements from suspect's spoken words (Crawford 2008 34-39). It is also used by lawyers to prepare wills, documents and contracts on behalf of their clients.

English as a trading language

English has long been used as a trading language in some countries since a long time ago. When English speaking people interact with people with different mother tongues in the trading process, a lingua franca appears and it may evolve into a new language variety called a pidgin. The choice of language among co-workers is affected by some factors. In some places, people choose to use English at work although it is not their mother tongue. English is the predominant language in garment industry in Macau although it is not the native language of ...
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