Contributing To The Collective Palestinian Goal

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Contributing To The Collective Palestinian Goal

Thesis Statement

This paper discusses dialogues, thoughts(interior monologue), and actions of adil. This paper also discusses his internal defeat and the social values and ties which prevented him from contributing to the collective Palestinian goal of ending the occupation of their land.


Israel consistently, systematically and purposely ignores repeated UN resolutions, arguing that it is fighting terrorism and protecting itself. We will see in the following pages, however, that this is not the case. Israel, under a blanket immunity from its largest protector, the United States, has been acting in a brutal and Adil would even say genocidal manner towards innocent Palestinian people. There are almost 1 million Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, not including some 300,000 Palestinians living in Israel itself. Surely these are not all terrorists. No one is disputing Israel's right to defend itself, this is not the point.

Adil's Actions

This systematic oppression of the Palestinian people and these failed Israeli policies and practices include eight main areas which Adil have identified and which Adil will attempt to expand upon. They are: Israel's human rights abuses of the Palestinians, Israel's appropriation of Palestinian resources (including land, water and other resources necessary for the normal functioning of the Palestinian economy), Israeli confiscation and occupation of Palestinian land, Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories (West Bank and Gaza), Israeli claims on the question of Jerusalem, hard line Israeli government positions on these issues, the influence in Israeli extremists in the occupied territories and Israel and the issue of Palestinian refugees.

Israel's abuse of the human rights of the Palestinians is well documented. Amnesty International states that “Israel has in the name of security flouted its obligations in human rights treaties it has freely ratified and has ignored recommendations made by the UN treaty bodies.” The problem is, nobody does anything about these abuses.

The point is that innocent people are the victims of brutal, almost sadistic, Israeli aggression and calling the people who point this out anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli does not change the facts. The following Israeli government practices are either clear violations of the human rights of innocent people or contribute to a permanent state of animosity towards Israel on the part of the Palestinians: The killing of Palestinians, the abuse of prisoners and detainees under Israeli custody, extra-judicial political assassinations by Israel of suspected terrorists, Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes, ...
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