Palestine Liberation Federation

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Palestine Liberation Federation

Palestine Liberation Federation


The Palestine Liberation Federation (PLF) was founded in East Jerusalem, June 2, 1964, the first initiative of the Arab League summit, which was held earlier in January in Cairo. Greeted at the second Summit in September next, as a "base of the Palestinian entity and a pioneer of Arab collective struggle for the liberation of Palestine", its creation reflected by the Arab States, the awareness of the return of the Palestinian problem to the world stage, but also the intent to influence their impact, prolonging the protection, in the name of different and even conflicting interests, which manifested itself in the years between 1947 and 1949.

The presidency was called Shukairy Ahmad, a Palestinian who had served in several Arab diplomats and gave assurances to lend to the role. The statute relied on the supreme power, in the definition of a policy, the Palestinian National Council, an organization theoretically elective, but the composition of which was, in point of fact, the result of compromises between different interest groups and 'only after the defeat of Arab States in the "Six Day War", the fourth and fifth session of the NPC (July 1968 and September 1969) that the face and no structures of the PLF began to change, in the sense of a real democratic representation of different groups and a summary of their positions and their power bases in the occupied territories and outside, outside the old lines "pan-Arab".

In January 1969, Yasser Arafat, leader of Al Fatah, took the chair of the Executive Committee, which gathers together the major organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), led by George Habash, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), led by Nayef Hawatmeh, and other smaller groups, in which the subjection of Arab state interests is still felt. The PLF knows a sort of re-founding, the implications of which appear below the most relevant.

All 'beginning, the strategy of armed struggle for "liberation of Palestine" - a goal proclaimed in the National Charter, which rejects the division, reiterated the Palestinians' right to full possession of their land and hopes for "a democratic state, in which coexist Muslims, Christians and Jews "- is dominant. The growth of the PLF, the consensus that it collects in the occupied territories and the Diaspora, the operations which it presents, from its bases in Jordan, against Israeli targets, fueling the belief that a sort of "revolution from below" is intended to modify radically as the relations between the masses and the Arab regimes as the gap with the enemy forces. But the Palestinians are taking revenge on the Hashemite monarchy, already a partner in Israel for two decades in the liquidation of their rights, is of short duration. The massacre and expulsion of Palestinian fighters from Jordan in "Black September" of 1970, open a different page.

The 'PLF, established now in Lebanon, reflecting on their mistakes and re-evaluate the' political action. Politically, the organization and find new momentum after ...
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