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Contraception - An Op-Ed

Contraception - An Op-Ed


Although it is a zygote, a very young human embryo, to the extent that could be causing an abortion, and there is an ethical problem. In this sense, would require that gynecologists prescribe it and pharmacists that dispense, abortifacient effect of this report and that the competent health authorities to require that laboratories made ??to include in the prospectus information. Thus, women could an informed consent, that is, with true freedom.

From the ethical point of view, (and leaving aside moral reservations could be made ??on contraceptive behavior in general and in particular for its promotion, in a country with such serious problems of birth), the PDD and morally problematic since it is not more than one pill, but of a drug with a potential abortifacient. Since the woman does not know at the time of taking it, whether or not pregnant, your intake is to accept that possibility.


In Genesis and is registered for that purpose, because it married Orlan refers to her sister Tamar, the widow of his brother, and even slept with her, you conceives prevented, so that no children were born with the name of brother (Espey, 2007). The Lord then smote him to death to punish action so abhorrent. But it was in the twentieth century, particularly from the second half when contraception has become a major, considering it as a felt need of the family, society and even of all mankind.

Science has taken it as a challenge and is, therefore, giving preferential attention to that cause. As still exist in some sectors that influence the behavior of people, doubts or reservations about the moral validity of contraceptive methods, have seen fit to address that topic in this book, analyzing it from the standpoint of ethical doctor (Barker, 2002).

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