Consumer Law

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Consumer Law

Consumer Law


This law aims to regulate relations between suppliers and consumers, establishing violations against consumers and identify the proper procedure in these matters. Consumer law has developed into a discipline in its own right during the last four decades. The purpose of this assignment is to introduce some of the key reference points for literature in this area (Fairest, 1988, 41). The subject can be broken down into subcategories, which experts can develop into subjects in their own right, e.g. sale of goods, product liability, consumer credit, consumer protection, financial services etc. However, the references listed concern consumer law in general.


Important Terminologies


The natural or legal persons who, under consideration of all legal acts, acquire, use or enjoy, as final recipients, goods or services.


Natural or legal persons, public or private, which usually develop activities of production, manufacture, import, construction, distribution or marketing of goods or services to consumers, for which price or fee is charged.

Commercial Basics

The data, instructions, history or indications, that the supplier must provide mandatory consumer public, in compliance with legal norms.


Provider communication addressed to the public by any suitable means for the purpose, to inform and motivate them to buy or hire a good or service.


The supplier of goods, service provider or entity, that through advertising, aim to illustrate to the public about the nature, characteristics, properties or attributes of the goods or services whose production, intermediation or provision is the subject of activity, or motivate a purchase.

Adhesion contract

The clauses that have been proposed unilaterally by the supplier without the consumer to celebrate, it's content.


Business practices, whatever form, which is used in broadcast consisting of the general public offering of goods and services on more favorable terms than usual, except those which consist of an ordinary price cut.


Commercial practice consists of the public offering of goods and services at a discount in the form, in connection with the usual establishment concerned.

The basic rights and duties of the consumer

The free choice of good or service; the right to accurate and timely information on goods and services offered, pricing, contract conditions and other relevant characteristics thereof, and the duty to inform them responsibly; not being arbitrarily discriminated by providers of goods and services; safety in the consumption of goods and services, protection of health and the environment and the duty to avoid the risks that may affect them; The repair and adequate and timely compensation for all material and moral damages for non-compliance with the provisions of this Act and the duty to act in accordance to the law means crosses, and education for responsible consumption and the duty to conclude transactions with prevailing trade consumption.

Obligations of the supplier

Any supplier of goods or services shall be bound by the terms, conditions and modalities under which they have offered or agreed with the consumer delivered or the service. The providers may not unreasonably deny the sale of goods or providing services in their various turns in the terms offered. When the supplier knowingly dispense products with a deficiency, used or ...
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