Consumer Law

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Consumer Law

Consumer Law


Consumer Law considers the body of law which can be used to protect the consumer and asks how effective the protection is. Consumer law gives effect to policies of consumer protection. However, while consumer protection is a useful concept for organisations in the consumer movement, and for consumer affairs agencies in the federal, state and territory bureaucracies which have an advocacy role, it is more difficult for courts. Those who set out to review the work of the High Court by reference to its advancement of consumer protection will be disappointed. Consumer protection has not been adopted, as an organising principle by courts and other arbitral bodies—not even, it might be said, by tribunals that are identified as consumers' arenas. This is because such an organising principle may be seen as at odds with the law's ideal of even-handedness.

Consumer law strives to achieve a beneficial outcome for a particular group, however, vaguely defined. Yet the idea of consumer protection is eclectic. It is pluralistic in that it can be used to aid decision making in many areas of law; it is autonomous in being directed at a particular desired outcome. From a partisan view, the role of the judge is to be engaged in the project. Consumer law has developed into a discipline in its own right during the last four decades. The purpose of this review is to introduce the reader to some of the key reference points for literature in this area. In this paper, we are going to discuss consumer law, and why law affords better protection to consumer purchasing goods over the internet compared to consumer purchasing goods from a high street shop.


One of the basic consumer safeguards at European level is the ability to sue a company based in another EU country in the consumer's jurisdiction. This involves facilitating the citizen who claims otherwise, I'd very difficult at the time to assert their rights in another country with different laws and language. At the end of the day, the single market to be truly effective must not only facilitate the free movement of goods but also consumer protection and user in cases of fraud or deception. The fact is that any user with Internet access to websites of different countries despite the company behind the site only has as its object the development of activities in one or more EU countries.

The right to safety.

Right to be informed fairly.

The right to choose freely.

Right to compensation if there has been damage resulting from the performance of the business.

The right to maintain an environment to live and work without contamination.

These rights are basic to a free market economy to develop normally, so that consumers are free to exercise those rights to those who did not curb their rights and encourage people to turn to if they do.

Consumer protection is not merely one of the means of accomplishing an internal 'frontier-free' market: it now exists in its own right. In an effort to bring European Consumer Law ...
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