Consequences Of Cheating

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Consequences of Cheating

Consequences of Cheating


Cheating is as old as any unethical conduct one can think of. It has existed for decades for several different reasons, and exists in many different forms. And, just like every other unethical decision, cheating has evolved over time and so have the methods of cheating, and the related consequences of cheating.

When cheating occurs, the consequences extend beyond the cheating student and the professor; the whole class, sometimes the whole institution, is affected. Because cheating can have such widespread affects, any student caught cheating in college should be expelled. According to the most recent statistics the number of students cheating in college has quite increased as compared to the previous years. Some people think that the reason for this is the fact that almost all the students are more worried about their grades and not about their real knowledge and the level of education. Moreover, in such a way, when the main purpose is simply to have good grades using any possible method, the quality of the education is also affected and it is quite low.


Cheating is the phenomenon of fraud of the most complex problems and the most dangerous phenomena extensive in the middle education faced by school and university education, and most impact on the lives of the student and the student and society in general, since what may be expected from a person cheat himself and family and social surroundings.

Indicated 80% of students tested that the effects of cheating in the tests appear in the educational process primarily in the form of distortions detrimental to the individual and society in general. Students prefer to cheat when they feel that the benefits of cheating are more than it risks.

Cheating is the most challenging issue for the teachers and administration of college. It ...
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