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Conducting Research Paper And Its Method

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Conducting research paper and its method

Conducting research paper and its method

Question 1

Chi - Square


We are looking for maintaining a movie theatre for which we have conduct a survey and questions have been asked from the past customers about what new changes should be made in the theater to make it better for the customers.

Problem Statement

For this the questionnaire contains one question about the association of theatre ranking with the price ranges in the theatre, level of comfort in the theatre and quality of the shows presented in the theatre.


If there is any association between the ranking of theatre and the price range of the movies, the ranking of theatre and the level of comfort and the ranking of theatre and the quality of the shows.

Sample size and population tested

The sample of respondents in the questionnaire was 200 and the population tested in the research is the city's movie near California.The normal distribution was with a one tailed t - test was used because of the above hypothesis condition.

Multiple Regression Analysis


We are looking to see the impact of different macroeconomic variables on the GDP per capita of a society. For this we have examine the following regression model:

LNGDPPERCAP = ß0 + ß1 FDIman + ß2 FDItel + ß3OPEN + ß4HUMCAP + ß5ROI + ß6GOVSIZE + ß7INFRAC + ß8INFL + ß9POLRSK + e

Problem Statement

We are looking to see whether the impact of FDI manufacturing and FDI telecommunication is available in the model or it has no impact.


If there is any impact of Foreign direct investment for manufacturing and telecom in the long run per capita GDP and for that a two - tailed test is use to check whether ß1 and ß2 are zero or not.

Sample Size and Population tested

The data for this has been taken from 1970 - 2011 and the population tested in this analysis is US.

One Tailed t - test


The effect of drugs take time to react in the body after it has been taken but few drugs work immediately because there are few chemical involved in it which works immediately. We are looking forward find the average time that the medicine for gastric juice in the stomach will take.

Problem Statement

Does it take longer than 25 seconds for a drug in pill form to dissolve in the gastric juices of the stomach?


If the drug in pill form to dissolve in the gastric juices of the ...
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