Conceptualization And Treatment Plan Of Evelyn Battle

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Conceptualization and Treatment Plan of Evelyn Battle

Conceptualization and Treatment Plan of Evelyn Battle


Evelyn Battle is a 45 years old Afro American female. Currently she is facing problems such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic depression, border line disorder and meaninglessness of life. Going through her case summary it was clear that she had a broad experience of life and any therapy that focuses only on one type of disorder cannot be adopted; therefore, Individual Psychology was adopted to conceptualize her case as it deals with individual mental conditions of all phases of life while exploring all the aspects that may have affected the patient. Having conceptualized her case, goal setting and intervention is carried out focusing specially on this particular case. Her case is found to be curable if properly executed through the steps that are developed after carefully designed way of treatment or intervention. The patient will get better gradually as the treatment is carried out and finally she will be back on the track of her new life.

Presenting Concerns

Evelyn Battle, a 45 years old retired military officer filed for divorce from her husband, retired General Michael Battle after many unsuccessful fertilization treatments. She believed that her husband deserves a child and therefore, filed for a divorce which finalized three months before she came for counseling because her grandmother, Mary Evelyn Brown convinced her to finally seek medical and psychological help.

Mrs. Battle told that she has received treatments for anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic disorders. She also said that she consistently has nightmares of her soldiers getting wounded and killed after serving for four years in Iraq and Iran. Now Evelyn Battle lives in Opelousas, Louisiana. Over there she failed to find a job related to her field. She lives with her nanny, elder brother, Edward Brown, 46 years old and married.

Selecting a Theoretical Perspective

Behavior therapy is used in such cases where certain desired or undesired behavior is to be removed or added. Since, Mrs. Battle does not have shown much behavioral problem use of this theory is not suggested (Brown, Curtis, 2001). Person centered therapy is a therapy that motivates the patient him/herself to find out the gaps in their feelings, behavior, thoughts and attitude and then correct them. However, Evelyn have lived an individual life dealing with her problems alone, it is now that she is totally tired of solving her problems herself and therefore, she finally decided to come to an specialist. Hence, this theory should not be used.

Psychoanalysis or Object relations theory is used in the treatment of patients who came across certain things in the childhood which becomes an image of certain object in future. The patients use these objects to live there life with (Clair, 2000). They use these images to compare with their present conditions and resolve them. Existential psychology is another good candidate among these theories but it is more useful to correct the future of the patient and not to resolve conflicts from the ...
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