Conceptualization And Treatment

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Conceptualization and Treatment


Case conceptualization and treatment plan refers to the process in which we make sense of a client's presenting concerns in the context of a theoretical framework. This paper analyzes the case of Mrs. Battle for the purpose of assessing her behavioral problems. Moreover, the paper also relates the underlying theories of Person Centered Therapy in relation with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the purpose of creating a treatment plan for Mrs. Battle. After the analysis of the case of Mrs. Battle, various goals and interventions have been developed for facilitating the treatment of Mrs. Battle. Employing the suggested interventions will help achieve the counseling goals related to Mrs. Battle. The basic purpose of this paper is to examine the case of Mrs. Battle and make the connection of the case to the underlying theories of psychology.

Conceptualization and Treatment


This paper intends to discuss the case conceptualization and treatment plan. This paper will conceptualize the client's case from theoretical orientation. The content of the conceptualization of the same case will differ according to the various theories depending on the aspect of human experiencing that each theory emphasizes (Jones & Butman, 2011). This paper will start with an understanding of Mrs. Battle's case and the way she thinks about herself and her problems. The purpose of this paper is to examine the case and make the connection of the case to the underlying theories of psychology.

Presenting Concerns

Evelyn Ann Battle is a 45-year-old recently divorce, African American female who came into my office for counseling. Evelyn graduated from a private high school and with a PhD from the prestige Duke University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the insistence of her parents. Evelyn and her husband were both military officers married for less than five years. Battling martial conflict and the inability to bear children her divorce to retired General Michael Battle finalized three months ago. Admitting that her husband did not want a divorce, she believed he deserved children; therefore she filed for a divorced. Evelyn recently retirement from the U.S. Army moved home to take care of her grandmother who raised her Nanny Mary Evelyn Brown 91-year old.

Mrs. Battle stated as a child she often felt alone with exceptionally few friends. Evelyn also indicated that recently she has nightmares and dreams about her soldiers wounded or killed while serving in Iraq and Iran. After many fertilization treatments, nothing worked, depression set in, and she found herself increasingly ashamed. Mrs. Battle announced that she had received counseling while in the military for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. However, due to her being an officer none of this was in her military records and she was in denial of many trials and tribulations. A year ago she began to experiment with drugs, which she now has a cocaine habit of $200.00 a day. After promising her grandmother Nanny Mary E. and many sleepless nights Evelyn made up her mind that she would seek ...
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