While the computer and Internet provide a wealth of information and a source of entertainment, it is not the ideal environment for teaching and learning. The computer and the Internet are like our textbooks and encyclopedias. However, all-encompassing they are, they are still not replacements for the classroom and the teacher. One does not gain all the knowledge in life from the Internet or from textbooks; rather, one gains knowledge through the process of reading and learning. The experience of gaining knowledge is also as important, if not more important, than knowledge itself. One must realise that while the computer and Internet provide the necessary knowledge, it is the classroom and the teacher that provide the learning environment and the inter-personal interactions. This paper discusses and examines the notions of Empowerment and Liberation in relation to Computer based learning.
The introduction of computer based learning technologies in schools has impacted on the teaching and learning in a number of ways. A review of literature relating to this internationally shows that whilst there is a significant body of theoretical and anecdotal literature relating to the benefits of using such technologies there has not been many rigorous and systematic studies that have investigated their impact on teaching and learning (Balli, 1997), This is due to a number of factors. They include a lack of resources and expertise in schools to do research including a culture in schools which does not encourage research, the vast amount of time taken up in technology implementations and the embryonic nature of this field which is still developing and undergoing constant change(Barrett, 1999). From a review of the literature relating to the impact of computer based technologies on teaching and learning which has been available, the areas which have received some attention relate to:
Teachers perceptions of the technology
Learners perceptions of the technology, including their attitudes and motivations
Impact of computer technologies on learning outcomes
Impact of computer technologies on the learning environment of classrooms including the learning activities which take place in the
classroom and the teaching and learning strategies used to facilitate them.
The technology infrastructure of schools and related issues like access
Professional development activities to support teachers
Factors influencing the integration of computer based technologies in the classroom.
Impact of computer technologies on different student groups
Teachers' perceptions of the technology in Schools
A number of investigations have been conducted to understand teachers'perceptions of computer-based technologies. Moore (1996) investigated pre-service teachers' reactions to technology available in schools and its use by students. They found that many of these teachers were surprised by the sophisticated nature of what was available in schools and the students' abilities in using them. This led many of them to reassess their perceptions and it also helped increase their confidence levels in using these technologies. Some studies have noted how teachers' perceptions and practices have changed as they move from a position of anxiety to increasing comfort (Follansbee, 1996).
Differences in teacher perceptions of technology in high and low access schools have ...