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Learning Resources

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Learning Resources

Learning Resources

Learning resources and new emerging technology

The strategic use of information technology has the ability to transform teaching and learning helps institutions to implement. All agencies have made education of students of the highest priorities (Rogers, 2004). Technology is a tool, not a goal, to achieve this goal. Learners themselves are changing. There was much discussion in recent years with the growth of the 'digital native "or" net generation. It has even been suggested that our interactions with modern communication technologies to change how we think. Even if we reject these descriptions as students overly broad generalizations and uncertain - and there is good reason for this - it is such a case, needs, capabilities and interests of the target audience is rapidly evolving and changing (Rogers, 2004). It is tempting to say that human nature is unchangeable, apparently, yet the same, that human experience is infinitely varied, resulting in any number of approaches to the media in general and education in particular.

The best way to improve education standards is to use every tool available, including state-of-art technologies. Computers and the Internet expanded how the information can be delivered to students today. Today's technology networks provide a valuable opportunity to practice new methods. Educators have found that computers are facilitating learning. Computer systems, telecommunications, or can offer many opportunities for education, so teachers will need to adapt existing training methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom (Rogers, 2004).

Computers have made a fundamental impact in most industries, providing a competitive advantage, which has become necessary for many businesses. Thus, schools should also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and to justify their purchases by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance and grading records (Honey, 2005). Although these tasks are very important, they show only a small part of what technology can do for school. The technology must go further than simply maintaining attendance; it should be aimed at maintaining the students interested and productive.

Since computers and the Internet have expanded in such a way in which education can be delivered to students who are currently able to participate in distance learning via the Internet. Distance Learning includes audio and video communication between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups communicate with each other. desktop videoconferencing promises to students, along with cultural and geographical distances, face to face with a computer. Not only the teachers met with students, but students will have the opportunity to interact with each other. This will allow students more interested and fascinated with learning (Honey, 2005).

Not only the Internet and education help of video conferences, but also new programs designed for educational purposes are currently being developed. Dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases that the student can access from your computer may be a definite advantage. For example, instead of looking for a particular country and just see where it is in regular Atlas, can enter the ...
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