Comparative Analysis Of Kazakhstan

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Comparative Analysis of Kazakhstan

Comparative Analysis


Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world due its size and population which is as big as the Western Europe. It is also considered as the second most populated country in Central Asia but the population has decreased due to large number of Russian, Ukranians and Germans migration from the country since the year 1989. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to study and analyze in detail the similarities and differences of the area study of Kazakhstan conducted by the two sources namely, The World Factbook and the The Library of Congress (US Department of State, 2009).


The World Factbook has presented an detailed study of the area of Kazakhstan which basically starts by giving a little background of the country. The background gives brief information on the ethnic and cultural background by suggesting that it is a mix of Mongol and Turkic tribes that migrated to the area in the 13th century. Additionally it tells that the area was taken over by the Soviet Union but country soon gained independence and is a mix of several cultures. It is also facing trouble in terms of finding its own identity as a nation. It is full of natural resources like oil, gas and mining and is currently trying to export its natural resources to increase its competitiveness in the market. It is also struggling to develop and strengthen its relationships with the neighbouring countries and improving is political scenario (The World Factbook, 2012).

This area study continues to give important information on the geography, area, climatic conditions, natural hazards like earthquakes, of the country. An important information is given on the environmental issues faced by the country in terms of industrial pollution and other toxic material left in the rivers that are being used for ...
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