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Career Path Analysis

Career Path Analysis


Jumasheva Vilnura; a highly trainable and fast learner lived and belongs Atyrau city, Kazakhstan. Currently, enrolled in BA (Hons) course at the University Of Central Lancashire, England. Defining and examining own self seems more complex and challenging comparatively from other tasks. I have worked for five months as an assistant to cashier in one of the famous bank, Kazakhstan Halyk Bank (May - August, 2008). The purpose of studying in business administration is to place myself in a reputable organisation of the UK while obtaining career growth at higher levels in the next five years. At times, a person knows what he / she wants to achieve, but gets stuck somewhere in the middle to select from the number of alternatives. Therefore, examining owns self and then seeking career counselling or career test is a better option to explore about hidden skills. At an advance level, there are some well-known theories and analysis, which actually provides empirical results. Analysis of Johari's window, a SWOT analysis and a log of employment opportunities will be illustrated in the later part and applied on my personal and professional development for business. There are also several websites, which provide online career test and assessment. is a kind of website, offers career advice, career guidance, career development, career counselling, career planning, and career path and thus helps at a vast level in choosing the best career field. For me, this is the best time to take a long term decision since I am unemployed and living in a theoretical phase of my life. Career development brings fresh and experienced individuals for business in today's global world. It requires a great deal of commitment and motivation till the achievement of final destiny in personal and professional life.


Career path can be taken as an idea at initial stage. Once, an idea has developed, it needs assortment of few effective ideas and at the third step, career path becomes a conceptual model. This model is considered as a 'toolkit' which is used to plan and execute career development in a manner that formulates an essence for the business (Carter 2009). Organisations nowadays, conduct career development programs to assist their employees and for the profitable growth of the organisation. A “war of talent” is being fought among most competitive organisations (Carter 2009). I must do few analyses to sustain in the tough competition and fast paced technology environment. Before conducting any analysis, it is important to deeply understand the theory and analysis itself. Two popularly known analyses for self-help are Johari window and SWOT analysis. The Johari window model gives an analysis about personal development and SWOT analysis for professional development. Personal and professional growths are linked with each other and are essential for fruitful results.

It is better to make a useful tool for people to bring a change rather to teach them. Similarly, Johari window is an easy and helpful model for self and personal ...
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