Company Situation Analysis

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Company Situation Analysis

Company Situation Analysis

Evaluate Effectiveness of Company's Present Strategy

The current strategies adopted by our company are not very aggressive. Our company has to make sure that it is able to compete with all the other companies in the market. Our company's strategy is not effective; however, is able to run the company in an appropriate manner. Our strategy has helped the employees to work in a manner in which they can work in a manner that will help them to succeed and yield the best possible results. The effectiveness of our company's strategy can be gauged from the performance of the company. In financial terms, our company has done well and has recovered from bad times, as well. It is important to note that the strategy has played a huge role in ensuring that the position of the company improves as compared to the other companies in the industry. The strategy used for the promotion and improvement of the business and the main business operation has helped the company in reaching new heights and also in making sure that the performance of the company improves. This is how our company has been able to fight all odds and maintain its position in the industry.


The operations of our company have helped it to make sure that the success of our company is ensured. The management of our company has paved way for successful operations of our company. Our company follows the generic low cost strategy to differentiate itself from its competitors. With this, the performance and operations of our company have improved a lot. It is the responsibility of our management to make sure that the company does not lose track and keeps on working in the manner in which it is earning more and increasing its profitability.

On the other hand, the complementary strategies of our company have also proved to be effective for our overall business. The administration of our company has been good overall. The steps taken by our company have helped it in ensuring that the company is on the path of success and has helped our company in growing. The human resource department of our company has been playing its role in the most efficient manner. The recruitment, selection and the training process has helped our company a great deal in ensuring that the right employees are hired and are a part of their company. Right employees will ensure that our company is doing well and is performing in the best manner. The human resource of a company plays a great role in helping our company is succeeding in this by hiring the right people.

2.1.2 Quantitatively





Net Sales




Gross Profit




Net Income




Inventory Turnover




Long-term Debt




Main Conclusions from Matrix

From the matrix, it can be clearly concluded that the performance of our company has not been very impressive; however, we have managed to come out of the difficult times and bad situation. The sales, as well as, the profits of the company have increased which have helped us in regaining our ...
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