Community policing is a very important aspect of today's world where the crime rate has increased to a very great extent. This policing helps in preventing crimes and ensures that no such incident occurs and takes place. The community and police come together to avoid criminal incidents and fight against them. It is a new concept, but a very important one. Criminal activities have increased a lot which is why it is important to prevent them. This paper will consider a short case and will answer the questions related to the case.
Is there a crime problem at the Senior Citizens' Center?
There is no problem at the Senior Citizen's Center. The senior citizens center is safe and no problem exists in that center. The problem is only that the senior citizens are very much scared and fear any criminal activity in their area. This is the reason, they do not go out for a walk after the dark. A few criminal incidents have been reported in the area, which is why, the senior citizens are scared to go outside after dark.
Is fear reduction a police problem?
Yes, fear reduction is a problem in the senior Citizens' center. The main reason behind this issue is that the senior citizens have to face a lot of problems because they have to manage everything themselves when they are alone. The parks in the surrounding areas have been empty since long, which means that the people in this area are not comfortable in going out. Not a lot of criminal incidents have been reported in the same area, but the reason why fear reduction is a problem is that a lot of rumors have been spread about such incidents and this is the reason that the senior citizens are unable to overcome them. ...