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Conflict Resolution through Communication

Conflict Resolution through Communication


Effective communication plays a vital role in the success of human relations in various spheres of life. Therefore, it is very necessary in building strong relationships whether that relationship exist between parents or kids, between friends or couples. Effective communication is characterized by perception, awareness, and the ability to connect the idea to the other side, and the achievement of goals (Bernstein, 2010).

We are primarily Social beings in the sense that we spend most of our lives with others. It is important to learn to get along with others and function adequately in social situations. Certain communication skills help us to improve interpersonal relationships. Communication is the act by which an individual establishes a contact with another that lets you transmit information. In communication there are several elements that may facilitate or hinder the process.


Despite the importance that we ordinarily attribute to verbal communication, between 65% and 80% of our communication with others is achieved through nonverbal channels. To communicate effectively, verbal and nonverbal messages must match each other. Many communication difficulties occur when our words are contradicted by our nonverbal behavior.

Effective communication requires understanding of the content of the listener as the speaker's words meant exactly. To achieve this, it is necessary to use each of the rules of expression (code) and understanding (interpretation) of the message. If this is not the case, then the result will be a disturbance in communication. This disorder does not occur to the different languages, but also because people differ in the way they understand and interpret what they hear or see, on the tradesmen and their expectations. Therefore, we can say that it is vital and important for effective communication within work groups to participate in an ongoing dialogue, and that everyone listens to the views of others, and trying to understand their experiences and expectations.

Process of Communication

The process of communication can be illustrated with the help of a diagram.

Issuer: The person (or people) that emits a message.

Receiver: The person (or persons) who receives the message.

Message: Content of information that is sent.

Channel: A means by which the message is sent.

Code: Signs and rules used to send the message.

Context: A situation in which communication occurs.

Effective communication between two people occurs when the receiver interprets the message in the sense intended by the sender.

Figure 1: Process of Communication

Communication under conditions of conflict

When studying human behavior perceptions of reality are as important as reality itself. Perceptions are built and reinforced through communication, and in an increasingly interconnected and technically advanced global society, people are in constant communication with each other. Even enemies cannot avoid indirectly communicating with each other via mass media. While the quantity of messages being sent and received expands, the quality of that communication often decreases. As communication technology becomes more efficient and farther-reaching, communicative problems and manipulations become more pronounced. Exploring how conflict-conditioned patterns of communication operate are a fundamental task for conflict resolution. A clearer understanding of how conflict influences inter group ...
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