Colon Cancer

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Colon Cancer among young Hispanic, and Latino adults


Colon cancer the most common cancer in young Hispanic, and Latino adults age 20 to 39, particularly in the people living in Huston Metropolitian the digestive system, a cancer of large intestine, which is also called colorectal cancer. Most cases of colon cancer start and adenomatous polyps, but only a small percentage of all the different types of polyps that arise in the colon (about 1%) that become cancerous later. Change of polyp tumor colorectal adenoma to cancer occurs slowly over a range of 5 to 10 years by a series of genetic changes. But if the polyp was removed before becoming malignant, of course, it will not turn into colon cancer.

Table of Contents


Introduction and background of the study1

Problem Statement2




Means of treating cancer of the colon:4

The health status of Hispanic Youth in the Huston5

Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Huston6

Prevention plan for Huston and Rica7


Key Highlights of the Research9


Annotated Bibliography15

Colon Cancer among young Hispanic, and Latino adults

Introduction and background of the study

The colon cancer and rectal cancer from malignant diseases that were available a lot of information on the mechanism they arise, these tumors arise through imbalances many genetic sequence occurs in the cells of the colonic mucosa, causing the tumors benign begin in the form of lump changed through several stages to malignant tumors.

It is important to diagnose these bumps and eradication in a correct and complete and tested a full exam so that we can eradicate these benign tumors at an early stage before they become malignant tumors and later is required for these patients to follow up ongoing laparoscopic stages patrol regularly scheduled until we discover the emergence of bumps new and we can eradicate it completely in an early stage.

There are several genetic diseases known to be associated with the emergence of these benign tumors is widely whether associated gene (FAP) or other genes. And persons who hold to these genes or who have a family story of the emergence of a satisfactory colon cancer, they must undergo a strict medical supervision as of middle age (Susan, 2001).

As for the environmental factors that can affect the development of tumors or cancer of the colon , is known of them in this area a little, but we know that constipation, for example, fatty foods and increase the weight factors are known to affect the emergence of diseases of the colon in general, and colon cancer in particular. These things are connected, it handled large amounts of fatty meals lead to a reduction of fiber in food, and this consequently leads to constipation and lead to weight gain as well, so we find that the relationship between these tumors and the environment is not fully clear.

It is important to warn of fast food because they contain a large proportion of fat, especially saturated, leading to weight gain and increased constipation may be some of these fast food exposed to the vapors and fumes. There have been reports of serious turn in the development of colon cancer even if the ...
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