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Cognitive And Behavioural Psychology

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Cognitive and Behavioural Psychology

Cognitive and Behavioural Psychology


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the difference between the cognitive and Psychodynamic psychological perspectives. Cognitive psychology is the old discipline called "general psychology", sometimes "experimental psychology". Born on the foundations of experimental psychology, behaviourism and Gestalt psychology, based on the experimental method, it is responsible to study all that is "spirit" of man, it seeks to understand cognition, i.e. how the human built knowledge, or even the stores.


Cognitive psychology is one that examines the thought processes, the development of information and ideas, calling these elaborations, processing perceptions and cognitions. It has intimate link to the psychology of perception and experimental psychology. The cognitive model appears as a new development paradigm for the vision of man. The behaviourist paradigm brought the rat and man became "scientific" experimentation liable. Cognitive psychology has its basis largely on an analogy between the transformation of information into the computing device and the implementation of cognitive processes in humans (Butler, 2000, p. 1). Cognitive psychology examines perception, attention, memory, knowledge, language, artificial intelligence. This all can be described as information gathering, storing and organizing information, and, finally, the use of information. There are several models of achievement and selection of information in the cognitive system. When the information reached the cognitive system, it begins to be transformed into other forms. It already connects memory, processing and storage of information, the process of remembering and forgetting, and transforms information into knowledge, organization and representation of knowledge, knowledge management, and performance. Cognitive psychology is an approach that emphasizes the importance of cognitive processes (Clark, 2009, p. 89). Many people seem inappropriate comparison of man with the machine, but this is just a convenient way to describe the system. Cognitive psychology is a branch of science and seen as a basic discipline within psychology. It is one of the main branches of modern psychology that has generated huge employment opportunities for applicants. Usually focuses on issues that have relation to information processing, memory, thought processes, speech, language and other elements such as problem solving and decision making.

Behaviourism is a stream of psychology that has its basis on the use of strict experimental procedures to study observable behaviour (the behaviour), considering the environment as a set of "stimulus-response". This approach has its roots in the English Association, the American functionalism and Darwin's evolutionary theory, since such flows ...
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