Coca Cola

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Marketing is not just creative play at work it is a social science that requires as much research as it does creative tinkering. Marketing should always follow a strategy, and strategy is born out of understanding derived from research. Market research is essentially a study of human belief and behavior.

Company Background

Coca-Cola is a recognizable emblem worldwide. From a chemist trial to an international enterprise, Coca-Cola has made the essential acquisitions and organizational alterations to rendezvous both clientele and employee demands. The organization has been adept to boost its wideness by inspiring the employees to rendezvous the trials with pays, advantages, and recognition. Though Coca-Cola is globally renowned for its beverages, its organizational heritage of evolving its human assets has permitted the company to elaborate its goods and geographical come to, conveying those beverages into the dwellings over the world. The US soft drink industry is highly concentrated. Three of the four leading manufacturers Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, and Dr. Pepper (sales exceeding 100 million dollars) are multinational companies and are responsible for the vast majority of the production industry (Mockler, 2002).

A remarkably small number of manufacturers of soft drinks exploit niche markets. Many centres bottling and distributing soft drinks meet US demand. In US, the manufacturing is located in large cities, and numerous distribution warehouses are located throughout the country. The bottling and distribution are highly automated and highly efficient. Small and medium-sized US companies supplying niche markets. Production tends to be located near main urban centres, although it occurs more in large plants serving larger regions. In bottling plants, ingredients are added to concentrated powder syrups. Then they are added to water and carbon dioxide, and drinks are manufactured and bottled. Some syrup is used by operators of catering services in the fountain drinks. The industry uses about twenty times more SGHF than sugar as a sweetener. The bulk of raw materials are made locally, in large part of the United States. (Carlsson, 2003)

Coca Cola Five Forces Model

The global soft drink industry has an enormous challenge ahead as the tastes and preferences of consumers are changing. So what should understand and realize that their industry must evolve, they can no longer rely on a single product in the industry to survive. It is essential therefore, that a study of strategies to analyze the major points of their industry and to obtain competitive advantages and differences that will be able to continue as a leader in the industry. Applying the model of Porter's five forces, Coca Cola discuss the parts that comprise this strategic review to be getting the sources from which competitive pressures and understand the areas where the industry will have greater opportunities or threats (Bilen, 2002).

Threat of New Competitors

The soft drink industry currently faces the challenge that their customers are having a noticeable change in tastes and preferences. Essentially they are leaving to consume cola, having a remarkable growth in product substitutes as are juices, waters and sports drinks. For this very reason the threat of ...
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