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Cloud Computing

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Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing

Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing, or computing as a utility, is a new computing paradigm. It allows third party service providers (i.e. cloud service providers) to provide a centralized pool of configurable computing resources to end-users. The end-users (individuals and enterprises) could make on-demand accesses to these resources and use them to implement their services according to their ever-changing requirements. In this way, the end-users do not need to deploy and manage their own computing services thus enabling fast deployment and minimum operational and management over heads.

Cloud computing first appeared in 2006, when Amazon's Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) was introduced. Currently cloud computing is in its early stages, as it started with storage services and has flourished into full-blown applications. It has transformed the IT world; currently, for the most part, IT users must plug into cloud based services individually, but cloud computing consolidators or wholesalers are already emerging to allow for a cloud network experience. In today's economic environment as enterprises try to balance out and optimize their IT budgets, cloud computing may play an effective role in reducing the IT operations and management costs (Rittinghouse &R ansome, 2010). It frees up critical resources and budgeting for discretionary innovative projects for increasing capacity or adding capability (Buyya 2011).

Problem statement and objectives

There are many areas for vulnerabilities to develop when a smartphones and other devices experience a cloud interact. These include storage of possibly secure data once it arrives on mobile devices, storage of possibly secure data on the cloud, and insecure transmission of data between the cloud and devices. There are many instances of malware that threaten security of mobile devices and the data to be lost and to be accessed sometimes the one that is private and need not to be shared. As the usage of these devices has become very common, therefore the issues of the security and privacy have been highlighted and must be resolved.

As cloud computing is becoming one of the common methods used in order to transfer the data and operate devices, therefore, these devices are at the rate of higher risk as compared to the others(Jaatun, 2009). This research focuses on the following points in order to resolve the issues that are related to the cloud computing and such devices:

To provide effective solutions of the issues that are challenging security and privacy cloud computing network and devices and related out sourcing services

To find out the sources and the reasons of the problems that originates from the issues like the cloud computing through synchronizing devices.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages that is related to the use of cloud computing in an organization through different methods, that is, survey and case study.

Research Questions

Apart from all the advantages and services it offers, on the other hand the issues that are related to cloud computing and cloud devices encompasses many issues like the security and the privacy policies that are related to the cloud ...
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