Clinical Pharmacy

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Clinical Pharmacy Law


In this study, we have discussed the role of clinical pharmacy and clinical Pharmacist. We have shredded light upon the duties and responsibilities of clinical Pharmacists and compared the rights in western countries like USA, UK and Canada to the rights of Pharmacists in Saudi Arabia. In addition, we have highlighted the role of clinical pharmacists with respect to doctors at hospitals, nursing, toxicology, pharmaceutical companies and patients. We have also focused on the ethical obligation of Clinical Pharmacists in terms of practices and responsibilities.

Table of Contents


Aims and Objectives2

Background of Study2

Clinical Pharmacy2

Clinical Pharmacist3

Training and Education3

Responsibilities and Duties4



Significance of Study8

Clinical Pharmacists and Doctors8

Clinical Pharmacists and Nursing8

Clinical Pharmacists and Forensic9

Clinical Pharmacists and Toxicology10

Clinical Pharmacists and Patients10

Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Companies11

Clinical Pharmacists and Ethics12


Clinical Pharmacy Law


Aims & Objectives

The basic aim of this study is to compare the rights of clinical pharmacist practices in Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom. However, the study also takes into account the basic and detailed knowledge of the field of clinical pharmacy, role and responsibilities of clinical pharmacist, trading and education required in this regard. It also considers the scope of clinical pharmacist with respect to pharmaceutical companies, doctors, nurses, forensic and patients. The study also incorporates the responsibilities of a clinical pharmacist with respect to ethical practices in this field.

Background of Study

Clinical Pharmacy

The field of Clinical pharmacy can be defined as those aspects of pharmacy, which are related to science, and use of medication rationally. Clinical Pharmacy is one of the disciplines in health sciences in which pharmacist are suppose to take care of patients in a way that enhances the medication therapies, and help in improving patient's heath, wellness and prevent them from diseases. Its practice is more relevant to pharmaceutical care. The concept of clinical pharmacy includes extensive care, dedicated healing expertise, practice and result for sake of confirming maximum patient's health care. As being part of health care discipline, its clinical pharmacy's objective to participate in the formation of exploring new information that further improves health and quality of life (ACCP, 2008, p. 816-817).

Clinical Pharmacist

Clinical Pharmacists are important element of clinical pharmacy. They provide care to patients and clinical services as well. They can perform their services in any kind of work setting. Clinical Pharmacist serves by taking into account societal factors such as legal, ethical, social, cultural and economic philosophies, which are beyond the limits o science. Thus, it can be said that clinical pharmacists are more than a consultant. They are responsible for managing therapeutic activities, which require a work setting to have a direct interaction with patients. It can be proved by the definition of word clinical, which means direct observation of patient (American Heritage dictionary of English Language, 2007, n.d.). Clinical pharmacists are allowed to practice independently or as a consultant or by collaborating with other professionals in health care sector. The significance of clinical pharmacist can be seen by the scope of their job and functionality in a cooperative health care ...
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