Client Screening Processes

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Client Screening Processes

Client Screening Processes


This ever-increasing frequency of accounting malpractice acts has made it essential for accountants to put into practice a range of malpractice defense procedures as a standard and usual part of their audit practice. One such practice is to set up a client-screening process intended at recognizing those clients who cause a risk of engaging the accountant in a prospect malpractice action. An effectual client-screening process can considerably decrease the probability of a malpractice claim, and resulting liability, by forcing accountants to become more acquaintance with the risks connected with both latent and current clients.

Terms of the Reference

The purpose of this report is to formulate client screening processes with special emphasizes on the risk assessment exercise which will be employed in accepting and rejecting potential audit client. The screening team will take into consideration all necessary rules and by laws as mentioned in The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011. Being an junior auditor, the audience of this report is the audit firm which will be ultimately conducting the audit of potential clients.

Client Screening Process

One of the quality control elements deals with accepting and retaining clients. The establishment of an effectual client-screening process involves a four-step process. First of all, accountants must choose when to screen current and potential clients for risks linked with accounting malpractice claims. Secondly, accountants must collect related data with regard to their clients and review the degree and nature of risk connected with every client. Third, accountants must impartially review their own qualifications to make certain that they and their staff have the essential skills and exercise to carry out the engagement. Last, accountants should settle on whether to apply defensive procedures as a way of decreasing the possibility of a potential malpractice claim.


When to Screen Potential and Existing Clients

The afirst astep ain acreating aan aeffective aclient-screening aprocess ais ato adecide awhen ato ascreen aboth apotential aand aexisting aclients afor arisks aassociated awith amalpractice aliability. aNonetheless, aaccountants ainvolved ain aall aareas aof athe aprofession, aincluding aauditing, atax apreparation aand amanagement aconsulting aservices, ashould aadopt adetailed aclient aacceptance apolicies aand ascreen aall apotential aclients afor amalpractice arisks abefore adeciding awhether ato aaccept aan aengagement. a

In aregard ato aexisting aclients, aa acompany's afinancial astrength aand aposition acan achange arapidly. aAs asuch, aa ascreening aprocess ashould abe aundertaken aon aeither aa abiannual aor aannual abasis. aAccountants ashould aestablish aprocedures awhereby aall aclients aare aroutinely ascreened aand aevaluated afor arisks aassociated awith afuture amalpractice aclaims. aThe asample achecklist athat afollows amay abe aof aassistance ain athis ascreening aprocess. aArmed awith athe ainformation athat aa awell-structured achecklist amay aprovide, aaccountants amust adecide awhether ato acontinue athe aengagement aand, aif aso, awhether ato autilize aone aof athe amany adefensive aprocedures awhich aare adetailed abelow. aIn aaddition ato aevaluating athe arisks aassociated awith amalpractice aexposure, asuch aa aregular aand aroutine ascreening aprocess amay aassist athe aaccountant ain abetter aserving athe aclient aby ahelping athe aaccountant aunderstand athe aclient's afinancial aneeds.

Accumulating Information and Assessing Malpractice Risk ...
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