Civil War And Disunion

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Civil War and Disunion

Civil War and Disunion


American Civil War (1861-1865) between the North (Union) and the South is of national identity, economic development, western expansion, slavery conflict. About 2 million soldiers to fight for the 80 million European Union and Confederate, caused by the war, both in black and white, some in the north and the south adult life change of mindset change. By the principles of the majority civil wars, the abrasion of the 1861-65 disagreement healed rapidly. The North's desertion of restoration in 1877 was a big factor of such healing, but so too was the early acceptance of a national reminiscence of the disagreement that assisted settlement (Faust, 2006).

Thesis statement

War always comes with lots of destruction and is caused mainly because of various conflicts. Civil war was also the result of causes such as imposition of tax rate on imported goods, slavery, new territories captured by US and power given to Lincoln which made it bloodiest war in American history.


In 1808, Congress prohibited trafficking (import of new slaves). The decision did not receive too many challenges: with more than one million slaves for seven million people, the sustainability of slave labor was largely assured. But coupled with the gradual disappearance of the institution in the northern states, it aroused among the supporters of slavery for fear that the growing influence of abolitionists could lead to any time the federal government to take action adverse to institution they defended. Conversely, the invention in 1794 of seeded to cotton, which allowed production to increase tenfold by making literally mechanically work that previously had to be done by hand, led an unprecedented expansion of cotton plantations, making slave labor more than ever indispensable in the eyes of the planters.

From the period of 1816-1860, military roles were focused to provide a dominant role. The war with Great Britain in 1812 ended in 1815. United States tried to remain neutral in the beginning, while continuing her maritime commerce. The border was extended in 1818. The North-Eastern Union's industrialized rapidly, protected by tariffs customs rates. Southern states for their part remained primarily agricultural. They do not have in 1860 that 10% of the industrial potential of the country. The cotton has gradually become a monoculture from the early nineteenth century. It is mainly sold to factories in Britain. While 75% of the free inhabitants of the South and Southwest have no slaves, small landowners identify and support the rich planters. The aristocrats of the South prefer to buy refined products from Europe rather than those produced on American soil. They wish to free trade and are hostile to tariffs granted by Congress to manufacturers in North (Ford, 2005).

The government in the north tried to make changes in fiscal policy. They allocated money from the state budget which was specially set aside for charity to improve the living conditions of black people. However, the conservative southern people didn't carry out measures for the emancipation of women and for ...
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