Measured by the numbers of people who call themselves Christians, Christianity is by far the most successful religious tradition. By some accounts, almost a third of the world's population is Christian. However, if measured by its track record for whether members/ believers have been faithful to their tradition and have treated others well, the Christian tradition has suffered serious problems. Christianity is no different from other faith traditions in having a history defined by both good and evil. However, because Christians have held great political and military power, the extremes seem to have been exaggerated. All too often, power has corrupted, either in the form of religious imperialism or in some other form, such as using religion to dominate others.
As one critic put it, the Church (meaning the worldwide community of Christians) has always been an argument against becoming a Christian. Man is homo religious. His nature is deeply shaped by the pursuit for the absolute and transcendent. This religious pursuit needs necessary satisfaction, be it in a traditional, historically grown religion or in a secular ideology that leads to terror and destruction. Man always stays unready in the search for happiness and salvation on earth, as, according to St. Augustine (Confessiones), true salvation that will not be given by any worldly movement; it can only be found in God: “Restless is our heart until it rests in Thee [my God].”
So, why has Christianity had such tremendous appeal and success? The answer points to one of the many ironies in the Christian tradition. This most dominant and powerful religion has as its central focus the life of a poor carpenter who preached in direct opposition to acquiring worldly rather than spiritual power. To understand Christianity, then, is to understand the life of Jesus and the experience of those who have felt they have known and been transformed by Jesus.
Historians have made much of the fact that by modern standards, what we know for sure about Jesus is not much. In fact, a century ago, some questioned whether Jesus ever existed. However, today, that view has been replaced with one stating we can be sure enough about a few essentials, and that these essentials are sufficient to tell the story. The story is about a Jew in a politically oppressed backwater who was virtually unknown until, around the age of 30, he carried out a brief public ministry that ended in his being executed. He left no written record and no visible organization. His followers were common people without influence, political or otherwise. By this account, the life of Jesus was hardly a life to found a great religious tradition on.
However, what is missing in this account is Jesus, the man himself and his profound impact on all who came in contact with him. Jesus was a charismatic figure, meaning that he was more than just attractive. He seemed to have a special power. It was natural for the people of that time to think in terms of two ...