Children With Sexual Behavior Problems

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Children with Sexual Behavior Problems

Table of Contents


Body: Discussion and Analysis3

Sex as procreation4

As an intricate connection4

As a heightened personal awareness5

Incidence of Unwanted Sexual Behavior5

Research on the Subject6

Focused Attachment Therapy9

Targeted Interventions9

Significance for Therapists11



Children with Sexual Behavior Problems


Sexually inappropriate touching, language, and other actions on the part of children are difficult to diagnose and treat. Inappropriate sexual behavior is always a sign of sexual abuse inhibits candid conversation and often leads families to hide problems (Johnson, 1969). William Friedrich, with more than 25 years of experience in the field, offers a research-based and clinically-proven method for assessment, diagnosis, and intervention with children and their families. The research distinguishes itself by Friedrich's emphasis on addressing sexual behavior problems from an attachment perspective.

This paper provides a comprehensive critique of the Friedrich's research 'Children with sexual behavior problems: family-based, attachment-focused therapy'. The paper first presents how sex as a primitive human need is perceived in the society as a whole, and how men and women sexual stereotypical structures are considered. Specifically, the paper reviews Friedrich's research on the attachment therapy and its therapeutic significance.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

Usually when people consider talking about this topic, it is generally considered as something which is rather 'explicit', 'erotic' or simply 'tantalizing' to the senses (Kelly, 2002). What one needs to witness and see is that how far people and individuals have are in this web of lust and the so-called love drug', which helps us understand and comprehend the true essence of this context.

Sex as procreation

Procreation, as the title suggests, has been a more innate and biological reason for the purpose and objective of having sex amongst couples. Even in the society that we reside today, the overall concept posed onto the adults who are willing to get married is the upbringing of children in order to mould the society for tomorrow.

For the purpose of having a strong bond and making a relationship stronger in terms of physical contact and having an emotional connection between partners, sex is interchangeably used as love when it comes to defining the accounts of making more inborn conditions (Goldman, 1977). In today's modern world where constant awareness and knowledge is being disseminated and intended for all individuals residing in one society, making all others aware of themselves and their subliminal needs that require fulfillment (Farr et al, 2010). When referring to sexual intercourse, the common phrase used to define the phenomenon is called 'making love'; this clearly suggests that sex has been greatly linked to love in any context accordingly; people have sex in order to fall in love with their significant others, therefore, making a more innate and strong connection accordingly.

As an intricate connection

When it comes to meeting the requirements of a connection, although love and understanding play a crucial role, the positions that have been defined for making love have been identified as a more difficult and complex activity that occurs for the purpose and objective of making significant amends accordingly (Swisher et al, ...
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