Children And Young People

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Children and Young People

Table of Contents


Allocation of Responsibilities3

Concern in the Context of Safeguarding4

Physical abuse4

Emotional Abuse5

Sexual Abuse6


Procedures and Actions7

Rights of Children and Families9

Children and Young People

The aim of this paper is to identify safeguarding proceures for children and young people with learning disability. Children and young people who have a learning disability suffer from poor health conditions, and are in need of support anre care. Individuals with learning disabilities must be treated by individuals who are aware of problems specific to these people.

It is important to be aware of different policies in order to respond to abuse or neglect (Rae et al, 2010, pp. 259). There are different policies and procedures that are used for safe working with young people as well as children. The primary legislation that should be considered when working with children include: Children Act (1989 s47), Protection of Children Act (1999), The Children Act (Every Child Matters) (2004), Data Protection Act (1998), Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006). Another form of legislation that needs to be considered includes secondary legislation. Secondary legislation include Sexual Offences Act (2003), Data Protection Act (1998) Non Statutory Guidance, Equalities Act (2010), and Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000).

In 2006, Mencap introduced a project named The North Staffordshire Palliative Care Project (NSPCP). The project was made in partnership with Keele University, and aimed to identify the needs of people with learning disability. The outcome of the project was the development of best practice guide that included provisios of care for people with learning disability. Mencap has also partnered with other agencies and organizations to provide support to people with learning disability. The partnership projects of Mencap also aim to ensure that the concerns of young people and children are taen seriously and protected.

The procedures of Mencap are consistent with different legistations including Working Together to Safeguard Children (revised HMG 2010), The Common Assessment Framework for Children and Young People: A Guide for Practitioners (CWDC 2010), Information Sharing: Guidance for Practitioners and Managers (HMG 2008), and others. The projects of Mencap aim to offer adequate support to children and young people with disability. Mancap works with different agencies to ensure that children and young people be brought up along with their own family members. Mencap considers different aspects of children care so that families of children as well as their carers receive proper support. The organization has ensured that necessary interventions take place before children and young people reach the point of crisis.

It is important to provide value to the carers of children and young people with disability. In this regard, it is important to ensure that individuals who work with children and young people are provided with adequate training. Mencap procedures aim to provide support to every child regardless of their background or circumstances. The procedures of Mencap revolve around different principles including health of children and young people, safety of children and young people, enjoyment and achievement of young people, contributions and economic well-being of children and young ...
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