Childhood Sexual Abuse

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Childhood Sexual Abuse: Transgenerational Theory of Family Violence

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This research paper argues on the subject of child sexual abuse in the framework of transgenerational theory of family violence. This paper also reveals the effects of child sexual abuse due to domestic violence on the current and future life of the child. As well as demonstrate some strategies that can prevent the incidents of child sexual abuse.

The problem of child sexual abuse is not new and such issues are faced all over the world. Literature postulates that the sexual abuse to a child results in long-term as well-term trauma for a child, who is sexually abused during the childhood. The problem of childhood sexual abuse is common in both girls and boys under the age of 18 years.

This study specially focused on the family violence or sexual abusing of a child by a family member or a child is a witness of such event when the perpetrator is a known person. Such childhood memories resulted in bad consequences for a child; for instance, depression, anxiety, suicide, or hopelessness.

The preventive strategies to avoid childhood sexual abuse by invest in the long-term anti-violence childhood sexual abuse policies; promote attitudinal shifts such as to create formal and informal accountability forums; government to ensure the implementation of law and order related to sexual abuse against children; parental training that guides how to avoid family violence; and school can play an essential role in breaking the transgenerational family violence.

Childhood Sexual Abuse


Many researches have been conducted on the issue of child sexual abuse, during the past several decades. The problem of child sexual abuse is very serious within US society and this problem occurs more often than people realize. A number of children become victim of sexual abuse in their growing years, specifically before 18 years. Mostly the perpetrators are family friends, relatives, or strangers, and at least 5 years older than the victim. Child sexual abuse described as the touch in a sexual way; attempt to have intercourse of sex; and actually have an interaction of sexual abuse with a child. The child sexual abuse intercourse can be oral, anal, or vaginal.

The vast description of child sexual abuse may includes the superfluous, unneeded or inappropriate solicitation of sexual behavior with a child by an adult comes under non-contact abuse. The child sexual abuse intercourse is the attempt or actual intercourse of sexual abuse, particularly oral, anal or vaginal interaction with a child. In most of the countries, the legal age limit to have sex is above 18 years. The child sexual abuse probably occurs during the range of ages 15 to 18 years (Abrahams. et. al, 2006).

The child sexual abuse experience is defined as the interpersonal behavior of pattern and not by the measured results of physical traits such as, hypertension, levels of blood lead, or index of body mass. In other words, child sexual abuse is a type of abuse in which child is used for ...
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