Child And Parent

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Child and Parent

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The paper attempts to focus on the relationship between parents and children in a holistic context. The paper highlights the association and interdependence of child and parent relationship in life. The focus will be based on the influence of parents on the life of their child and the influence of child on the life his or her parents. The paper discusses the historical perspective of child parent relationship and mentions the child development in the light of expenditures. It further proceeds to detail the parent child relationship focusing specially on the articles of McKenzie, Lewis and Gleason. The paper also mentions the health care initiatives and attempts to explain child and parent relationship in accordance with the attachment theory.

Table of Contents


Thesis Statement4


Historical Implications of Parenting Styles4

Public Sector and Parents Contribution in Child Development6

Parents and Child Relationship7

Parenting Styles does not Matter7

Negligence is Disastrous for Children7

Parent's Patience is Critical for Children Development8

Health Care Initiatives9

It is Important to Keep a Balance in Treating Children9

Importance of Child's Routine10

Researches on Child-Parent Relationship and Emergence of Attachment Concept11

Principles of Attachment Theory12


End Notes14

Child and Parent


Relationships between parents and their children become a headache for both parties. It's a real generational conflict that takes place between these two entities of the same family. The parents believe they have the knowledge and experience necessary to educate their children, whereas, children have been noted to develop a sense of maturity and the belief that they are independent. This is still, not to the liking of children who find their overwhelmed parents, far from the realities of the moment. Parents want their children to live in accordance with the vision of their parents, which leads to a miss fit.

Thesis Statement

Child-Parent relationship is important for the upbringing of the child as well as for strengthening the bond of relationship between parents.


Historical Implications of Parenting Styles

Single parenting styles were described at the time of the Enlightenment, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, with his negative education or Heinrich Pestalozzi with his nature according to education. The scientific exploration began in the 20th Century 1930 was published by Alfred Adler, Textbook of child rearing, in which he applied the concepts of individual psychology and child development and education in the schools and parents . He particularly emphasized the strict about indulgent and neglected education as disruptive to the educational nature show.

As part of the Viennese school reform, it created a new democratic republic of the appropriate school system with democratic parenting style. As the founder, of the parenting style research applies the social psychologist Kurt Lewin in the late 1930s led by the USA Field experiments on the effects of different leadership styles on performance by youth groups. He distinguished between the authoritarian, the laissez-faire and the democratic parenting style. In later work, the authoritarian style was also used as dominative and democratic style as a socially-inclusive (exchange and barter, 1963), or as authoritative refers.

The parenting style was heavily influenced by research in social psychology, because a certain parenting style ...
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