Charles Manufacturing, Inc.

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Charles Manufacturing, Inc.

Table of Contents


H.R Plans and Policies5

Benefits Under Review12




Charles Manufacturing, Inc.


HR policies establish guidelines for action on people-related business issues and HR programs. These policies serve to integrate the company's global operation by providing a basis for the development of HR practices. This was evident when Charles Manufacturing? Inc changed its management style from the traditional command and control relationships to accommodate a more self-directed? self-managed approach. This would even facilitate the principle of instant feedback where if an employee has a problem or an idea about any aspect of the business? or about an individual's performance? they can raise the issue appropriately and discuss it maturely. Thus this communication would help solve performance problems. (Armstrong 2008)

In addition? the HR program is shaped by the HR policies. This program represents coordinated HR efforts specifically intended to initiate? disseminate? and sustain strategic organizational change efforts necessitated by the strategic business needs. These efforts begin at the top and filter down? begin elsewhere? or begin in two places at the same time. In Charles Manufacturing? Inc.'s case the HR department can play a critical role as change agent. The HR department can establish an HR initiative where a specific HR program would serve as catalyst for change. This initiative would involve establishing a senior HR council and executive operating committee? mounting major activities to rally all employees to the change? and developing a leadership program to ensure that the change clearly includes top management.

To deal with the HR practices one must examine role behavior. The roles that individuals assume in organizations fall into three categories namely leadership roles? managerial roles? and operational roles. Charles Manufacturing? Inc realized that role behaviors for all employees would need to change to match the needs of the new business. They identified needed supervisory (first-level managerial) and staff role behavior based upon what they saw as characterizing a customer-driven grocery store. Leadership roles deal with establishing direction? aligning people? motivating and inspiring individuals? and causing dramatic and useful change. Managerial roles on the other hand are traditional roles of planning? directing? delegating? organizing and coordinating. At Charles Manufacturing? Inc implementation of these roles are evident among the department Manager and the Store Manager. Before the change they ignored workers? ignored customers and stayed in their booth. However after the change they responded to customers? reward employees for responding to customers and appraise employees on customer service. (Armstrong 2008)

Although these three roles are labeled leadership? managerial? and operational? this does not necessarily mean that only non-managers perform the operational roles or only managers perform the managerial and leadership roles. In the process of formulating and implementing new strategic objectives? organizations typically evaluate the "who does what" question. In some cases? this results in a shift of role responsibilities. Once the role behavior whether leadership? managerial? or operational are identified? HR practices can be developed to cue and reinforce role performance? just as how Charles Manufacturing? Inc did.

Finally? HR processes deals with how all the other HR ...
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