Character In Conflict

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Character in Conflict

Character in Conflict

The story discussed below reflects conflict existing between high school students. This story will help in understanding conflict in a better way. Conflicts exist when and wherever people have contact. Because people are organized into groups to seek a collective mind, the likelihood of conflict increases greatly. The conflicts have a negative connotation for many people. All conflicts are not the same they vary and in many respects facing up to conflicts at all levels. We have disagreements with family, friends and co-workers. Such situations revolve almost inevitable that sooner or later, impair in any project or program. Conflicts can then occur within groups or between each member of the groups, while another person feels the tension when subjected to two or more forces that are mutually exclusive.

The conflict is between two girls named Angie and Maggie. The character that would be in focus would be Maggie. Angie and Maggie used to be close friends, but, they both became worst enemies after this conflict arises. The cause of the conflict between the two girls was a boy which was desired by both girls. Maggie liked a boy which she knew, was going out with her friend Angie. Maggie felt jealous of the fact that, in spite of knowing that Maggie liked the boy, Angie was going out with her. Maggie first tried to talk Angie out of the relation, but Angie resisted, she had started to like the boy a lot. This was the first time when both the friends entered into a serious debate because of a boy.

The second instance, when the two girls entered in a fight, was when Maggie saw Angie and the boy roaming around in a park, chatting and hugging eachother. This sight made Maggie go furious. ...
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