Changing Gender In Christianity

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Changing Gender in Christianity


The Bible does not address this issue because it was not occurred at that time. But no, the sex-change operations are not right. God created people as male and female (Gen. 1:27). People are ordained by God to be male or female, for it is He who forms in the womb:

* Isaiah 44:2, "Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you in the womb, which will help, not fear, O Jacob my servant, and Jeshurun whom I have chosen you."

* Isaiah 44:24, "Thus saith the Lord, your Redeemer, and he who formed you in the womb," I the Lord am the creator of all things ...'"

Therefore, to change the sex of a person through a transaction constitutes a violation of natural birth gender God has ordained the person. It also violates the distinction of attributes designating a male from a female. Moreover, if, for example, a man becomes a woman and has sex with a man, then this would clearly homosexuality a sin forbidden by Scripture.

In any case, this dysfunction of sexual identity is due to sin in the world. Transsexuals (those who have changed sex) and claims to be Christian can not appeal to the Goof problem of a "biological" because of sin in the world. This is due to sin and its effects that the issue of transsexuality still exists and an appeal to a state of sin should never excuse sin more.

However, we must not abandon the tyranny. While the person is in sin, the transsexual is still a person in need of full redemption, love, grace and kindness. Do not convince someone to repent to condemn and accuse. Rather, they must see the love of Christ in us so that their presence could convince and be convinced of his sin.

Gender Identity Crisis

Christianity and Transsexuality

Leslie Feinberg, transgender compulsory reading Warriors, makes an important point that Jews are not to blame for the origins of the oppression of trans. Leslie points out correctly that the real problem was the patriarchal class division that occurs when any culture begins to produce a sufficient surplus to accumulate wealth. However, as with most religions, the Jews sought to codify and enforce the laws that maintain the priestly class appointed as guardians of most of the surplus. The rules also sought to uphold the rule of the rich. This meant vilifying other belief systems that posed a threat to the Jewish status quo. This is certainly widespread, but the Hebrews were the first to put in writing that has survived.

There is no denying that the rules written in the Hebrew Scriptures have been used since then to justify hatred of transgender people. Hebrew thought permeated Christian thought that permeated Western thought. The Bible is probably the most influential literary work of written history. As with the passages below, it is important to place the fight against the Hebrew-Trans motivations in the context, but it is clear that the Bible has been misused as one of the most damaging ...
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