Change Management

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Mark & Spencer - Change Management

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Change Management1

Introduction to Mark & Spencer2

Organizational changes within the last 5 years3

Main Issues4

Internal and external drivers of Change4

Mission, Vision and Objectives4

Forces of Changes5

Change Management Process at Mark & Spencer6

Organization Leadership6

Sir Stuart Rose6

Mark Bollad7

Change Initiations8

Market Expansion8

Online Market Expansion9


Product Expansion11

CSR Activities11

Change Initiation Model12

Change Implementation12

Employee Management13

Aggressive Marketing Strategies14

Quality Effectiveness with Customer Satisfaction14

Revival plan for Clothing15

Development in rising product (Food, Home and Beauty)15

Operations Change Management15

Outcome from Change Initiations16


Mark & Spencer - Change Management

Introduction to Change Management

Everyone must have experience the issue of having a bad quality, either before or after buying the product. Even leading brand sometimes gives poor quality of product due to malfunctioning of some services. These experiences might be, an airline passenger lost his luggage, drycleaner left clothes stained, van bus got late due to driver, purchased product is damaged, pizza delivered is late or mismanagement of order. The poor quality of service or product is always encountered, when the employees of the company do not comply with the quality or specifications of the product with vigilance or they might not be willing to do so. The company start losing the share and competition would start taking advantage of market need.

Quality Management is an integral part for any company, and it poses a great impact on the organization as well as employees life. If an organization is going through unsatisfactory position in customer loyalty and the quality of the product or service is decreasing, then they need to address the issue of quality management. Change Management is a systematic and a planned way to overcome the issue that the organization is facing. Change Process usually takes place when an organization wishes to increase it productivity, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction as well as catering well in market needs (Gracie, 2000, 52).

Change management can be introduced, depending on the need of that department. For example, if the sales of the company are decreasing and customers are satisfied with the product, and then the change process should be initiated in the sales department after the initial phase of need analysis. Similarly, if the sales is decreasing due to quality of the product and customers are complaining then, need analysis should be conducted in the production department. It is not necessary that change would be required only in the production or quality management department; change can be brought in the entire organization either for the purpose of brand re-launching or organizations development. Change can be brought in HR department of the company so that quality people can be hired and quality products can be delivered.

Change management initiated in one department has a high impact of productivity and efficiency level of the entire organization.

Introduction to Mark & Spencer

Mark & Spencer started off as a stall in 1884 by Michael Marks, with the philosophy to sell products at a moderate price to the customers. In 1901, the company became the owner of 35 outlets as well new partner, Tom Spencer ...
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