Challenges Of Organizational Communications And Social Networking Media

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Challenges of Organizational Communications and Social Networking Media


Communication - a form of communication of two or more subjects of contact - is a natural and integral part of the management process. Since communication involves the exchange of information between people, whose goal is to understand the message being sent, then we can speak about the communication process.

The subject of analysis in this case is the features of communication and communication processes in organizations. Communication, thus closely connected with the theory and practice of management, organizational systems and structures, as well as the psychology of management. All three disciplines are "working" on the theory of communication / add to them, and ethics of business conduct and communication / by enriching its conceptual, paradigmatic apparatus, concepts and research methods, as evidenced by literature.

Field of study of communications goes primarily to the idea of ??the typology of organizations as type of organization clearly affects the nature and characteristics of the communication process.

Communication and effective management in an organization

Heads spends most of his time on communication in order to realize their own role and purpose in interpersonal relationships, information exchange, decision-making processes, as well as in management, planning, motivation of subordinates and control over their work. Since all kinds of controls are built on communication, it can be rightly regarded as the principal interface process.

On the quality of information sharing depends upon the degree of realization of tasks. At the same time, poor quality, ineffective communication can generate a lot of problems in organizations. In particular, the so-called "Open" problems, which are linked with personal, behavioral aspects of the organization? They manifest themselves in social and psychological tension, conflict, conflict of interest in the "gap" of business communication, non-cooperation, and other symptoms of an unhealthy moral-psychological climate of the organization / about the types of organizational problems, please see more information. In short, efficient managers - those who are effective in communications.

To get started you need to know that the main function of communication includes:

1) Informative - transmission true or false information;

2) interactive / incentive / - Organization of human interaction / cohesion, distribution functions, the effect on mood, beliefs, behavior of the interlocutor - a suggestion, an order request, persuasion, etc.

3) Perceptual - the perception of each other's partners in the dialogue and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding;

4) Expressive - excitement or the nature of emotional experiences.

Effective communication requires the presence of the manager of communicative competence, i.e. ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with other people, namely: to reach mutual understanding, a clear understanding of the situation and subject of communication.

What could prevent this?

a) Stereotypes - simplistic views on individuals or situations;

b) "Preconceived ideas" - a tendency to reject anything that contradicts his own views of what is new, unusual;

c) Bad relationships between people;

d) Lack of attention and interest of the interlocutor;

e) Disregard the facts, ...
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