The first applications in biomedical engineering can be traced back to the late nineteenth century., With the initial development of electrophysiology and with the discovery of ionizing radiation, however, the official birth of biomedical engineering is usually placed at the end World War II made progress in the field of military technology: it is in this period that the equipment used, designed by engineers, acquires the specificity of biomedical instrumentation for diagnosis and therapy, and to investigate the biological processes is carried out with the 'help of technology.
Traditionally, the main areas of interest in biomedical engineering concerned: (a) applications to medical diagnostics, with the development of biomedical instrumentation (from simple devices for the measurement of individual variables to complex diagnostic equipment, collection and processing of biomedical signals and images), (b) applications to medical therapy, such as the development of tools and support systems to therapy, the design and realization of artificial organs, the study of the kinetics and metabolism of substances and drugs; (c ) once the biomechanical analysis of human movement in physiological and pathological conditions and that is placed at the base of the draft prosthesis arts and (d) the biomaterials, with reference to the search of materials compatible with biological tissues and the development of new materials and fabrics. A special mention should also, in the context of biomedical engineering, biomedical modeling has played over the years an important role both in basic research in physiology and pathology in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications (pharmacology, epidemiology, neuroscience, organ artificial etc.).
Some diseases have a pathophysiological variation explained purely on the basis of biochemical and genetic defects that enzymatic or structural alterations of protein components, as is the case for example. in various metabolic diseases, but the most frequent case is that in which is required to provide the physician finds statistically significant, making it possible to assess in terms of predicting the possibility that it is in a specific morbid condition, starting from the knowledge of the reference values (or 'normal range') of a certain element within the population of membership of the subject patient. In general, laboratory examinations which seek the presence of a given constituent biochemical, known analytic, in a biological sample, or determining the amount, are based on processes of a qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative. These are related to the measurement of concentration or activity of biochemical constituents, or to the abutment morphology of cells (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid) or other formed elements (germs, parasites, crystals, cylinders etc).
The development of instruments and equipment in health facilities has also led to the creation of an independent biomedical engineering as clinical engineering. In fact, since the seventies of the last century has shown the need for rational use of biomedical problems involving the acquisition of the equipment, maintenance and management within the hospital, economic and, above all, security. The growing number and complexity of the equipment used in clinical and diagnostic make it essential monitoring and prevention of malfunctions ...