Cause And Effect Relationship Regarding A Process For A Product Safety

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Cause and Effect Relationship Regarding a Process for a Product Safety


This is an experimental research that is done to identify the cause and effect relationship of product safety process in an organization. The research is done on car manufacturing companies, to identify the cause and effect of product safety process on overall organizational image.

Table of content


Literature Review4

Product Safety4

Process of product safety evaluation5

Effective navigation of the process6

Performance testing7


Planning for the research process8

Data sampling8

Data Collection8

Data evaluation9

Analysis of Questions9

Type of study11


Cause and Effect Relationship Regarding a Process for a Product Safety


This research report is based on analyzing the importance of product safety in manufacturing any particular product. Product safety is a process that needs to be effectively managed by an organization in order to meet all its production demands. The product should be made in the same way as it is presented to the project approving authorities. The product should be produced according to the quality standards so that the consumer would not face any physical risk. It is extremely recommended by the international standard authorities that all the products should be tested before the customers would use it. In this research work I have selected car manufacturing companies of United States of America as it found under lawsuits many times in the past era.

Literature Review

Product Safety

The physical safety and health of citizens according to the non-food products like household appliances, cosmetics, cars and toys is known as product safety. This is a standard that is established to minimize the number of fatalities and injuries that are caused by non-food products around the world. In international world, this is an important standard that all the non-food manufacturing companies have to apply (Ren, 2000). It is quite similar to the international standard organizational (ISO) standards that an organization needs to follow in order to maintain a positive image in the minds of the consumers. All these standards help an organization in establishing trust and long lasting relationship with the consumers. It is recommended that the manufacturers should make sure that the products that are produced or manufactured for the consumers should be safe and should not present any danger to their physical and health safety, otherwise they can face heavy lawsuits (Dowlatshahi, 2000). Although, most of the product manufacturing companies in countries like USA, UK, Canada etc. are following the strict guidelines of product safety but still there are some companies, which are not completely following it. Following the specific guidelines of product safety requires everything of premium quality, so for achieving this level a company needs to spend enough money (Ramsey, 1985).

There are some companies, which try to maximize their profits by spending minimal amount of money (Pyke, 2010). This is totally un-ethical and it can have deadly consequences in long term. Serious action needs to be taken against these companies, which are involved in un-ethical activities so that others would try to avoid them. The most commonly found risks are the risk of injury and electric ...
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