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Case Study Reflection Paper

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Case Study Reflection Paper

Case Study Reflection Paper


Reading is an essential part of the education life because if a child or an adult lacks in reading, then a lot of problems will be faced by him or her even in their social life. For instance, while working online or to be a part of social networking, reading is an essential element. The paper is reflection of my case study assignment outlining my learning. It highlights how the project helped in improving my performance and in understanding the children psychology.

Understanding the Psychology of the Struggling Reader

The knowledge of a struggling reader is evident by examining the child psychology closely. If the child XXXX is able to decide comprehension and has an extensive knowledge that will be definitely depict in the reading skills. Our imagination is able to recreate situations, scenes, faces, emotional states with fidelity through a good read. The mental process that requires the reading is more demanding than the projected view those same images on film or on television, where everything appears chewed and digested and where the spectacle is more prevalent than the content (Clark, 1976). Moreover, the act of reading increases vocabulary, improves spelling, increase information, improves the way children talk and stimulates the imagination. However, understanding the psychology of a special child XXXX is difficult in analyzing the struggling individual. For example, for dyslexic children words divisible into morphemes can facilitate a faster reading compared to the words not divisible into morphemes.

Several studies of the W-Read (Reading and Lexical Processes Lab) have shown that the morphemes greatly improve fluency when reading aloud. This happens both for words than for pseudo-words, long words or short, common or less common. The division into morphemes could then offset the difficulties of dyslexic children to pronounce the words as one "unit" (Daniels, Kalkman, 2000). The morphemes, in fact, are longer linguistic elements of the single letters but shorter of the words: the reading based on the morphemes may therefore reduce the limits of the analytical reading, and increase its speed. Overall, studies of group W-Read show that dividing words into morphemes improves especially reading aloud. It remains to be seen if the reading also facilitates the understanding of words, but these results already show that the concept of morpheme should have a central role to improve the reading speed in children with dyslexia.

Enhancement in Teaching Skills

As I am the teacher of the special child XXXXX I can enhance my skills in a way by working with special education teachers who work for students with different learning, learning disabilities, emotional and physical. When students with mild to moderate disability, they ensure that the lessons and teaching strategies to be amended to meet the needs of students. For students with severe disabilities, they teach students independent living skills and basic skills, communication. (Hertherington, Parke, 1975) Psychological principles of learner-centered and integrate these principles from the perspective of systems are essential components of a new working ...
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