Case Study Analysis

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Case Study Analysis Paper

Case Study Analysis Paper


ABC Inc. is a locally owned family company who takes pride in their prompt service, excellent customer service and A1 quality products. Due to their recent expansion, and production at its all-time high more employees are needed to take this on. In order for this to take place ABC has confided in Operations Supervisor Monica Carrols to assist with this transition. Monica has over 20 years under her belt with ABC and has the qualifications to get this task done. Since Monica is overseeing the operations, and has Carl Robins as part of her management team, together they should be able to come up with an excellent game plan to make this happen.

Case Background

ABC Inc. recently hired a new campus recruiter. His name is Carl Robins. He has been with the company for about six months. His first recruitment task is to hire 15 new trainees to work for Monica Carrolls. He is left with many responsibilities which include: drug tests, physicals, booklets, orientation manuals, and a training schedule. Ideally Monica would like to have these new hires on board and ready for work by July. It is Carl's responsibility to make sure all these tasks are completed and the new hires are on board with ABC Inc. With Monica being gone on vacation he is left with a deadline he must meet in order to keep the production running smoothly. He seems to run into several issues (Brooks, 2011).

After returning from Memorial Day Weekend, Carl knows it's coming down to the wire and he should start working on these files for the new hires. He soon discovers several of the new hires applications are incomplete, transcripts are missing or not properly endorsed and none of the candidates have taken their mandatory drug screens. After realizing these files were incomplete he continued on to look at the orientation manuals and soon discovered only three copies with several pages missing from each. To make matters worse, the conference rooms were all new hire orientations are held at were reserved by the IT Department for computer training seminars for the new database software implementation.

Key Issues

Applications Not Completed

The first thing Carl needs to do is to take immediate action and contact the new hires to have them complete any necessary paperwork that has not yet been completed. Carl has limited amount of time, so he must act quickly.

Transcripts Not On File

The next step to resolve this problem would be to make sure when he contacts the new hire employees about the incomplete paperwork; make sure to mention that the transcripts are also needed, and they need to have those on file immediately. Carl has two weeks to obtain focus, which should allow enough time to complete the files.

Mandatory Drug Screening Not Done

Once Carl contacts the new hire employees he needs to take the next step, and contact the Drug testing clinic and have them ...
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