Case Project
Case Project
Case Project 9-2:
By using the problem solving and brainstorming skills, the following procedure would be followed, in order to retrieve the embedded messages from the graphics files. Everyone who handles data one day found themselves facing an annoying problem, access to data as a graph (image) without the table of figures. Many people have gone so far to use (cursing) double decimeter to talk about this chart recalcitrant (Fadia and Patnaik, 2009). The following pages offer a small improvement online:
The graphic file (scanned, downloaded from the Internet) is displayed on the screen.
In a few mouse clicks, the dots and scales of the graph are stored.
The result is returned as a table or Excel chart (Fadia and Patnaik, 2009).
The question here is that how does it work? Here we use a mixture of html, JavaScript and VBScript. Html form first asks the user address of the graphic image. The address is transmitted (in GET) to a second html page. In this page, a JavaScript retrieves the string parameter ( and extracts the image address (URL or local). The JavaScript then displays the image (on which the user can click) by document.write ("
Using one mouse over and one click events, one can retrieve the coordinates of the mouse pointer (and window.event.clientX window.event.clientY) and insert them into a second form. The coordinates of points are sent via this form to a third html page which makes it an html table (JavaScript by recovering the parameters received in GET, scaling and display document.write) (General Books LLC, 2010). If the "output to Excel" is successful, this is a VBScript included in the page that retrieves data from the form, and that creates an instance of Excel using Create Object ("Excel.Application"). It is then sufficient to drive Excel VBScript to open a workbook in which you insert the data can easily make a graph in the desired format. For more details, look at the source of the page (click here) (all three pages are assembled on the same page in html via JavaScript) (General Books LLC, 2010).
Furthermore, another program known as ImageInfo program can be used to retrieve messages from such Graphic images. ImageInfo program is designed to collect technical information from image files (General Books LLC, 2010). The information includes summary data for all the images, as well as detailed characteristics of each image. Following are the features of the program:
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