Career Change

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Career Change

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Causes of The Changes In Career

Ramification of Career Change in Midlife on Relationships

Ramification of Career Change in Midlife on Development

Academic & Professional development

Physical Development


End Notes

Career Change


Midlife is the period between youth and old age and because of the lower rates of life expectancy of the humans, the midlife usually occurs around the age of 40, but many times, the death of beloved ones, unemployment, menopause in women, or severe illness can also sow the seeds of midlife in very early stages due to which such people are given the name of "Early Bloomers" and those after the age of 50 are called as “Late Bloomers”.

Most of the people face midlife crisis, which is a crisis of confidence or identity occurring in midlife, characterized by the feeling that one is growing old or that life is passing one by and affects the person physically, intellectually and in a social manner. Causes of The Changes In Career

The career in one's midlife can be changed because of many reasons either mental or physical. The mental situations that cause career changes in one's midlife include early loss of employment, death of life partner, child or parents, breakup in relationships or divorce issues, feelings or expressions of discontentment on the way life is going, shattering of the fantasies of young age, to live in a community where most of the people are attracted towards the young people, don't perceive children as their friends or are mentally deteriorated when the kids leave them after getting mature, unable to sleep properly, and when they leave themselves to get to be fatter due to which their mental or physical health falls below a desired standard.

Whereas, as far as the physical causes are concerned, they include the loss of sexual appetite in men in the age of 40-55 because of the immense decrease in the production of testosterone (a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics and is produced in the testes), loss of strengths of muscles that act to produce movement in or maintain the position of parts of the human, and any serious accident or illness. These situations often lead to crisis for the person incase of the adverse affects to his mental and emotional state or to the one whose bodily activities or attributes are weakened, also called as the midlife crisis.

Ramification of Career Change in Midlife on Relationships

The adults must not let the crisis to overcome their feelings and thoughts by choosing an altered career or by replacing the ineffective career transitions from positive thoughts, as in midlife it is very common that the husband and wife develop contradictory natures and thinking, as in most of the cases the wife wants to join any workplace to keep herself busy because she wants to overcome the anxiety of her life in this way, as usually all the women seeks social interactions to overcome their stressful situations especially in their midlife but that social interaction ...
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