Career Assessment Plan

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Career Assessment Plan

Career Assessment Plan


Choosing the right career is often one of the most difficult tasks for an individual. One has to consider the interest of an individual and the required needs of the market, to choose a specific career, so the individual could excel in the chosen career. I have opted for criminal justice as my career aim. One of the interesting things about the criminal justice career is that most people think of jobs in connection with the prosecution, but is actually much more to this sector. Indeed, some criminal justice career are a surprise, since they are separated a bit. Choosing the right career requires analysis of various factors including interest of an individual, future market of such a profession, kind of work an individual would be doing and future benefits of such a profession.

Criminal Justice

The thing that interest me in criminal justice is that it brings together two sides: the criminal - the criminal perpetrator, and the other side a crime victim - the victim. These two parties are entitled to appropriate criminal legal representation. A crime victim needed a criminal lawyer, to accompany him throughout all stages of criminal justice, and bring proof of injury to the victim. Criminal offending services will need a criminal lawyer, to try and escape from the situation found itself in a non-simple with minimum damage. Criminal lawyer, if that specializes in many disciplines in addressing the issues of criminal law, and provides a solution for each application, whether it comes from the victim, and whether it comes from the other side - anyone who is suspected of a criminal offense.

Criminal law is the branch of law, aimed at regulating the life of society , by setting certain negative behaviors as - legal, through rules and did - do. Who violates these rules would be charged with carrying out a criminal offense may be prosecuted, and punished according to penalties prescribed by law . Criminal law applies to a limited domain of behaviors, and came to establish these rules of avoidance behaviors through deterrence, prosecution, punishment and disgrace . Characterized by criminal law enforcement rests primarily on the state, through prosecution, even when the primary victim of criminal behavior and other details will be complaining about the company. Criminal law regulates relationships between private company, but actually takes place between the state (as a collective entity) and individual (suspect, accused , a prisoner).

Law Enforcement Officers

When it comes to "law enforcement" as one of the many available career criminal justice, it may be a police officer, border guard officer, deputy, jailer or a guard to be. Although there are some differences in the functions of each position will be responsible for compliance with the laws of the United States. Most departments require a bachelor's degree, although there are several companies that will hire a security guard or prison guard with a degree of associate's or even high school. To ensure that the quality would be charged for each item, ...
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