Career Management Plan

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Career Management Plan



A career management plan is a map with which employees can progress from what they are doing now to what they want to do tomorrow. A good career management plan facilitates you to steer your job change more efficiently.

Providing Feedbacks Effectively

Feedbacks are provided in order to ensure the progress of the employees. To manage utmost performance, daily feedback must be given to employees. But due to the time constraints, employee feedback will be provided on a weekly basis. A sales meeting will be arranged in order to discuss the week's transactions. A 360-degree feedback format will be used for providing feedbacks. Effective feedbacks also results in a process through which people obtain and use work-related feedback to decide whether or not their strategies and goals are suitable. Prompt feedbacks would also help the organization to know which plans are efficient and should be kept, while which are ineffective and must not be pursued in the future. (Ball, 1997)


The weekly round table discussions will provide an opportunity to every employee in order to share their views and ideas with the top management. This would help to rectify the problems that might prevail in the organizational strategies. This assistance is provided on the idea that people will have a more positive attitude towards work and will have higher levels of job-related performance. A detailed plan would be offered to the human resource which would assist them in the career management process. This plan would include informal and formal mentoring sessions, provisions of job-posting programs, lateral transfers and job rotations, formal initiatives for training and development, education, career-assessment workshops and centers, performance feedback and evaluation systems and executive lessons. All these activities are shaped to develop employee career management and decision making.

Achieving Higher Level of Performance

I have planned to assist human resource in achieving an elevated level of performance by eradicating barriers and providing plenty of resources to complete the tasks effectively. The key to high performance will be to encourage and motivating the employees at every step of the process, help them assuage the stress, knowing problems that are blocking his capability and to work together continuously. In order to achieve higher levels of performance trainings will be provided to the employees in the areas they lack. The high achievers would be appreciated by offering rewards such as bonuses, recognition, promotions and salary increments. The ...
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