CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EDUCATION E-SERVICES California board of education E-services
California Board of Education E-services
California State Board of Education
As far as the online education services of California Board of Education are concerned, it offers a wide variety of online services such as, students can apply online Billing for tuition/fees, campus housing and miscellaneous school-related charges through the Campus Accounts Receivable System (CARS) online bill, Payment options, including online Check for the student bills, Disbursement of financial aid and other student awards, Federal Perkins Loan and Health Professions Student Loan entrance counseling and promissory notes, and Federal Direct Loan exit counseling. Moreover, students can compare different colleges in order to find the best one for them through online services offered by California Education Board.
For instance, in most of the academic institutions in California, student fee is to be paid through the C.A.R.S or Campus Accounts Receivable System. C.A.R.S account of the students might comprise of registration charges, campus residency plus phone charges, healthcare services, and further sundry amount overdue. The expenditures might be outstanding the current month or probably in the coming months (Rowley, 2006). For instance, residential pact expenditures are counted in the summer for the subsequent academic year and are outstanding in 10 monthly expenses starting in August.
In some of the academic institutions, billing reports are created per month given that the account has an outstanding balance or if the account had commotion throughout the billing phase. Bills are offered online. Good manners emails are forwarded to the learners, when a recent billing report is created.
Some of the outstanding online services of the Board of California Education are given under:
Students can readily access their monthly C.A.R.S electronic statement.
Students can present online payments.
Students can see the latest C.A.R.S balance.
Students can verify the receiving of C.A.R.S payments.
Students can get data regarding monetary, educational, or directorial blocks.
Illinois State Board of Education
As far as Illinois State Board of Education is concerned, it also provides a range of academic services to students through online medium. For instance, students can apply through the Internet for admittance to contributing academic institutions, and they can also trace their applications in progress. Moreover, students can also find the sources of finding scholarships for them through online services provided by Illinois State Board of Education. Another remarkable service that is offered by Illinois State Board of Education is prepaid teaching course investment distribution & profits (Bruce, 1999). Students can also ...